Export Curves

 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Just my compliments for this last beta! Well done Michael ! ;)

One question: is possible to expost the moi curves? If yes how?

Tnx in advance! ;)

MrBraun - Moderator www.C4dHotline.it
Cinema4D R10 and MOI of course!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
440.2 In reply to 440.1 
Hi MrBraun, thanks I'm glad you like the new beta!

It is possible to export curves from MoI in either 3dm or IGES formats.

I am also planning on adding a AI export, but that is not ready yet. Also that will only be for 2D curves.

What program do you want to export the curves into? Do you know what formats the other program supports for reading curves?

- Michael
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
SVG Import...

Then I can use Inkscape to generate font outlines, import into MOI, and finally get some text... ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
440.4 In reply to 440.3 
> SVG Import...

I can see doing SVG in the future, but for V1 I'm only planning on adding AI.

But isn't Inkscape able to save to AI files? According to this it can:
so going from Inkscape to MoI should be covered by handling AI format.

- Michael
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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Tnx for the answer Michael! ;)

I want to use with cinema4D: i have a Splurf plugin for Surface in Cinema! ;)
(just to test this plugin!) ;)

Tnx again!

MrBraun - Moderator www.C4dHotline.it
Cinema4D R10 and MOI of course!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
440.6 In reply to 440.5 
Hi MrBraun, it looks like Cinema4d lists support for 3dm files, but it looks like they skip the curves in the .3dm file and only read in mesh objects?

You might need to put in a feature request to Cinema4D that they should make it read the curves instead of skipping them.

It looks like they do support AI for bringing in curves, but AI can only contain 2D curves, not 3D ones.

- Michael
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