Blending surfaces that are compound curvers

 From:  davidb45
I'm modelling an old Mercedes 154 race car and having problems with blending surfaces. The attached .bmp file shows the curves highlighted in yellow. I tried doing a filet but did not have any success. Maybe I need to break down the model into more cross section curves to more precisely define the area in question.

Any suggestions on how to make compound curves blend is appreciated.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4396.2 In reply to 4396.1 
Hi David, your attached 3DM file does not quite match the screenshot you show there - there's a bunch more curves in the file and I don't see any of the surfaces that you are showing there which makes it kind of hard for me to follow along. I realize that somewhere in there are the curves you used to construct those pieces, but I'm not sure which particular curves you used and which particular surfacing techniques, etc...

Is it possible for you to post a 3DM file that matches the screenshot?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4396.3 In reply to 4396.1 
For example just looking at only all the wire curves and not any surfaces it is hard for me to figure out which particular area you were trying to fillet in the 3DM file...

One thing that could be an issue for filleting is that things to fillet should actually come to a sharp corner, if you've got things already nearly smooth that can be bad for filleting - it can be better for filleting for the pieces to be more like separate parts that intersected one another rather than trying to do an edge-to-edge skin that has surfaces that meet each other in a shallow angle being somewhat close to smooth already.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
Hi davidb45 and Michael G.

Davidb45 it looks like there needs to be some curve clean up here. I have attached a file that I generated using network curves after modifying your original ones. See if this helps.

Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu

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 From:  davidb45
4396.5 In reply to 4396.4 
Your approach looks alot cleaner than mine. What did you do exactly?

Thanks for the help.
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
4396.6 In reply to 4396.5 
Hi David,

I modified the some of your original curves by trimming and joining where I could (you can compare the file I uploaded against your original file to see what I did with the curves) then selected the individual curves for the network command (surfaces shown in separate colors). Some of them (the curves) are shared and have to be handled in separate segments to achieve the desired results.

Hope this helps.

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  Mike (MIKE1138)
4396.7 In reply to 4396.6 
Hi Michael,

just a general question, the network curves that you joined, do the endpoints sit on/connect to the adjacent curves? I am asking because I´ve had issues in the past to get a network work properly, i.e. could not wrap my mind around why there´d be small gaps between curves, with the control points not sitting on curves.

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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
4396.8 In reply to 4396.7 
Hi Michael,

Yes the end of the curves (for my part) should be connected/closed or touching.

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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