Just bought MoI and I am very happy with it.
However, I am encountering two problems :
1) I need to import a huge number of IGES colored files, but noticed that MoI doesn't seem to take color assignments into account when importing IGES. Is there a workaround to retain these original colors, which is the case in apps like TurboCad or ViaCad to name a few ?
2) One of the reasons I chose MoI over its competitors is the great quality of its geometry conversion features. But as for colors : if I assign them manually in MoI to compensate their absence in the import, they will export fine to .lwo files (for modo) but not to SketchUp models, that appear to have no material at all. Is this normal behavior of MoI's current version, or did I miss some important settings ?
Thanks very much in advance,