big file size
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4366.3 In reply to 4366.1 
Hi andras, was there something like a particularly large number of named items or layers in the 3DM file?

The other thing you can do to reduce memory size is to adjust the display mesh density to make it coarser, see here for some information on that:

Normally I would not expect for the Scene Browser to really make a big difference being open or not though - if that is what doesn't work well, can you possibly send me the file using one of those file sharing services, and e-mail the link to me at so I can test with it.

105MB is getting fairly large though, you may need to just wait for a while when processing larger sized files.

- Michael
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 From:  andras
4366.4 In reply to 4366.3 
Hello Michael!

I think it's ok. Moi works well. I have more Objects and Layers as well. I realised when Moi is opening this file not to allow to open internet browsers because things go away. When I am just waiting to being ready without application changing I get the file in a minute otherwise never. Please let me know if you still need the file to be checked for your suspected issue. cheers.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4366.5 In reply to 4366.4 
Hi Andras, no that's ok I don't need the file if it is loading for you ok now.

I thought you were talking about the "scene browser" in MoI, but it sounds like you're talking about having other web browers programs open.

So what probably happens with the browsers open is that you end up using enough memory that your regular system memory is completely full and it starts to swap chunks of memory to the hard drive. That's how the "virtual memory" system works, but unfortunately your hard disk is much slower than regular memory access so once you start swapping you can run into a really significant slowdown.

If you want to use other programs while at the same time loading a larger file, you may need to upgrade your machine to have more memory installed on it.

- Michael
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