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 From:  BurrMan
The calm, right before the storm.. V3!!!!!!!!!!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.2 In reply to 4363.1 
Yup , getting pretty close! Scene browser is working, only a couple of bugs to fix up for having the whole UI conversion finished.

At the moment I'm updating to the newest OpenNURBS library.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.3 In reply to 4363.1 
I was also able to tune up the "inside" mode of the Scene browser so that it will automatically expand all the way to the bottom of the side pane to take up whatever space remains in it.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.4 In reply to 4363.3 

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 From:  Ambimind
My number one top features is, "panda-bear mode", much cuter then lamas! :)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
I've been feeling it for the last 6 I've lost all feeling, but V3 will be the remedy ;)

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4363.7 In reply to 4363.6 

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 From:  WillBellJr
Welp, I'm excited!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.9 In reply to 4363.8 
Hi Will,

> Welp, I'm excited!

If you're as excited as that little guy you may need to take some sedatives! ;)

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
4363.10 In reply to 4363.9 

I'm with Danny. Looking forward to V3.

Windows 7 x64, Precision T3400, Intel C2Q @ 3 GHz
8 GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 3870

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 From:  NightCabbage
MoI is my primary graphics program, so I'm definitely looking forward to it :D
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 From:  SurlyBird
Somehow let this slip under my radar. Version 3 is imminent? Huzzah!
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.13 In reply to 4363.12 
The "beta" process of V3 is imminent.... Looks like I jumped the gun a bit though...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.14 In reply to 4363.13 
Hi Burr, well I'm working on new v3 features right now and once I've got a few of them done then I'll release the first beta. So it's coming soon but it's hard to say exactly what day.

Currently I'm working on some new scene browser stuff, I just finished adding in a new selection indicator, which will also be the place to click to select stuff:

That's the new yellow dot on the right-hand side of the scene browser item there - that will now show the selection state of all the items of that slot. If all the items belonging to that slot are selected it will show a yellow dot, if none are selected it will be blank there and if there is a mix of some selected and some not it shows a half dot.

You also click on that to toggle selection on or off.

The next thing up is a selection filter - I had an idea to use Ctrl+click on the selection indicator to mark an item as a filter. Once something is marked as a filter you'll only be able to select items of that type, so for example if you set Style = Red as a filter then when you go and click to select curves it would only select curves that have style = red. I'm also planning on making it limit what is targeted for selection with the mouse as well.

At the moment I'm working on the icon to show there to indicate that an item is a selection filter.

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
4363.15 In reply to 4363.14 
Ah nice!!! So that area is replacing the clciking on the "name" of the style part for selecting all of a style?? (Opening that area up)

Selection filter on "Types" also??
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.16 In reply to 4363.15 
Hi Burr,

> So that area is replacing the clciking on the "name" of the
> style part for selecting all of a style?? (Opening that area up)

Yup, that's right - then I want to use clicking on the name to open up a pop up menu that could have a few different actions on the menu.

> Selection filter on "Types" also??

Yup the plan is for the filter mechanism to work on any section - either "Objects" (for named objects), "Types" or "Styles".

That will allow you to do things in combination, like set a filter on Style = Red and also on Type = Curve, and then go and window select an area in the viewport and that would only grab red curves that are within the window and ignore any other objects.

Being able to use different kinds of categories (like "Styles" and "Types") in combination with each other like that is one of the cool aspects of MoI's organization tools.

Then I think pushing the Escape key will clear the filter if any filter is set, that will be a shortcut for removing the filters as an alternative to going back and ctrl+clicking on each one.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.17 In reply to 4363.16 
"""""""Then I think pushing the Escape key will clear the filter if any filter is set, that will be a shortcut for removing the filters as an alternative to going back and ctrl+clicking on each one."""

Well I do use esc frequently for canceling selection and commands... Maybe you are thinking of how this will integrate, or a pure change in behaviour. or just an inclusive area? I could see where esc a selection and command, but not intending to deselect my filters would be desired. modified esc is going into complexity area though... Maybe setting up the filters will be quicker than I first think.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.18 In reply to 4363.17 
Hi Burr well the method I was thinking of was if a filter was active esc would clear the filter, but then after that any further presses of escape would be with no filter active and it would behave the same as now.

Since enabling a filter really constrains selection in a big way, it's something that I kind of expect you would activate for a short time period, maybe just to help make one particular selection - then since it really restricts what you can select you will want to get out of the filter soon after you've done that particular selection - that's what the escape key will help with.

We'll have to see if that works out well in practice or not - if it seems to get in the way then at least I can add in a moi.ini flag to not do the esc de-filtering shortcut.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.19 In reply to 4363.17 
Ok, well I think I've got a UI that will work for the filter mechansm - when you hold down Ctrl and click on the selection indicator a little filter icon will appear and any selection dot will be showed shifted a bit to the left of it:

Now it's a matter of making the filter actually work - that's going to involve modifying a number of different selection methods.

One thing I'm not entirely certain of is that if filtering should only only constrain selection actions only and not have any impact on deselection actions...

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4363.20 In reply to 4363.18 
Hi Michael,

The filtering system will be a very welcomed addition to MoI :)
I tend to think a filter reset button might be the go, sometimes after setting a filter you might just want to window only some of the items in that filter category, if I accidentally pick items I didn't want selected I tend to press the esc button and select again.

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