A modest demand

 From:  tyglik
Hi Michael,

Would it be possible to implement a multiple undo/redo? It could work and look like this....


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 From:  tyglik
I beseech for multiple undo once again.... thanks... -Petr
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 From:  Michael Gibson
435.3 In reply to 435.2 
Hi Petr, sorry I didn't answer this sooner.

I think this may be difficult for me to get in for V1. That is definitely a logical spot to put it, but the complication is that the drop-down may have quite a large number of undo items listed on it. That has the potential to not work so smoothly with just a huge regular MoI menu, I will probably need to do something special to handle a larger number of items. So that will make this pretty difficult to squeeze in for V1.

V1 is not the end of the world though, it is just the beginning - I should be able to work on filling in more stuff like this in a few months from now when V2 is underway.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
435.4 In reply to 435.3 
OK. Don't mind me, just talking to myself.... hehe... Have a nice weekend! -Petr
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 From:  Michael Gibson
435.5 In reply to 435.4 
Well definitely that's the right thing to have in that spot. Sooner or later it will get there.

I don't have a lot of time left before I want to wrap up V1, so I'll be having to postpone quite a few requests for a little while here.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
435.6 In reply to 435.5 
Hi Michael,

It appears that my English is still not good enough in order that I can put some feeling into words correctly ... so I do apologize if I offended you! I didn't intend it...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
435.7 In reply to 435.6 
Hi Petr, don't worry that was not the case.

I was just trying to explain a bit more to try and keep you from getting discouraged from posting good requests like this.

When someone makes a good request and I say "no not yet" for some reason, I don't want that to stop you from making other requests.

You are going to have to try an awful lot harder than that if you want to offend me! :) :)

- Michael
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