MoI be nimble, MoI be quick

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

I just wanted to express again the ease and joy of using MoI when wanting to do something quick.

In another cad community someone asked if anyone could supply a model of standard Chain mesh fencing, I thought it would be an interesting challenge but I knew if I did it in one of my regular cad programs it would take a while in setting up and tweaking the curves to get it just right, I was ready to go to bed and thought, stuff it! fired up MoI and it took me literally 15 minutes, the way you can just move curves around accurately by just typing a value and dragging them, the use of the editing frame to squash and stretch things until they look right, it was just effortless and innate.

MoI has that hybrid cad/graphic editor feel which is unique to anything out there in every way, I have MoI up there amongst the top end cad programs costing 20X more.

Cheers and Thank you


EDITED: 17 Jul 2012 by DANTAS

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 From:  BurrMan
4337.2 In reply to 4337.1 
Hey Danny,
Thats nice.. Did you model a big mesh of chainlink here, or is this like the "button tuffed" model, where it is a single section arrayed?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4337.3 In reply to 4337.2 
Yep! exactly Burr, made a segment and arrayed it, but for the linked run, it's mirror TOP view then mirror the mirror (delete input) FRONT view, if you get what I mean.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
But now you must wind up for store it away ;)
A cool thread about that ;)

Maybe some thing with Toroïdalhelix or spilaroïd...or just make a cross curvated module but there is a decrease diameter ;)

EDITED: 16 Jun 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4337.5 In reply to 4337.1 
Hi Danny, that's a great result - thanks for sharing it!

That is really great that MoI is working well for you in that kind of "get it done in 15 minutes without much fuss" way - that's really getting right to the essence of what MoI is focused on.

Of course it also helps that at this point you've had plenty of experience using MoI so you're now able to really take full advantage of it and really "get in the groove".

This is one of the kind of interesting aspects of MoI's focus on making a smooth and fluid workflow - having fewer steps to do things helps beginners because there is just less stuff they have to know to make things happen but at the same time less steps and just less "irritation" when drawing can be really beneficial for advanced users as well. It's really useful for an advanced user to be able to model something in 15 minutes instead of 45 minutes or something like that. Then you have 30 minutes left over that you can use to go relax or something... :)

MoI makes a nice companion to use along side other more traditional style CAD packages because it has this different overall focus to it.

So now the challenge is to keep this kind of light and fluid feel while continuing to add in new features and more functionality. That's not easy but it is something that I'm really focused on.

Thanks very much and I'm really glad that MoI is working like this for you!

- Michael
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