Overlapping lines

 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Hi everyone, I want to know if there is an easy way to remove overlapping lines. Its usefull to have a command that do that when you have a lot of pieces that you want to lasser cut. Thanks!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4313.2 In reply to 4313.1 
Hi Ed, do you mean something like lines that are duplicated and stacked right on top of each other, or do you mean lines that are overhanging some shape.

For the latter, you can use the boolean commands on lines which can sometimes be useful.

For example if you have a bunch of lines and a circle like this:

You can select those lines and run Construct > Boolean > Intersection, and then select the circle as the object to intersect with, that will keep the parts of the lines that are also contained within the circle, resulting in this:

- Michael

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Thanks Michael but i meant one line over another line.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4313.4 In reply to 4313.3 
Name them or give them some differents colors so you can select them easily ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4313.5 In reply to 4313.3 
Hi ed,

> Thanks Michael but i meant one line over another line.

No there's nothing currently for automatically handling that.

How is it that you're ending up with a lot of lines right on top of each other in the first place?

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Michael, the source is not MoI... Its a 3d slicer definition I made in GH. The output is very clean cause I extract the edges of a plane and there is no duplicated lines in there. I managed to slice a volume, make holes in the slices, orient the pieces, extract the curves and tag every part but I ordered the final pieces putting them in bounding boxes one next to each other... And if two adjacent pieces shares and edge obviusly that line will be duplicated and the laser will cut twice the same edge. I couldnt find any way to do it in GH but i thought i saw something here but I think I was wrong. Thanks any way!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4313.7 In reply to 4313.6 
Hi ed, no there isn't anything in MoI that would automatically clean something like that up.

If possible you kind of want to avoid creating the stacked up lines in the first place, like have something in your GrassHopper mechanism that checks each output against previous tagged ones to see if it stacks up with any of them. But that is probably not easy to do currently in GH - that might make a good request to the GH devs for some way to detect that.

- Michael
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