Selecting stacked objets
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 From:  Ditto
4307.3 In reply to 4307.2 
Thanks, Michael

Doodling around yesterday and I found another solution, you would call it bug, probably. It's not precise, nor reliable, but it appears to me that speed and direction of the approaching mouse pointer changes the selection behaviour. Sometimes Shift helps as well.

I was able to select from three stacked objects without hiding the top one(s). So I was sure that there is a magic selection mechanism, it just takes to know how it works. Too bad, I thought it was really cool!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4307.4 In reply to 4307.3 
Hi Ditto, yeah when the selection mechanism targets an object, it will go by what is the closest one to the mouse.

Stacked objects can have just very slightly different pixels drawn for them, especially if they are not totally identical like if one is some shorter fragment than the other. So slightly different pixels drawn on the screen for an object can result in that kind of behavior that you were seeing.

Usually it is a good idea to try and hide things that are getting stacked up though - try to get in a kind of habit of hiding things that may get in your way earlier rather than than later.

- Michael
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