Graphics card freezing

 From:  shayno
Hi Michael
I have a evga geforce gt220 video card with 1gb of ram
It runs everything else on the computer fine but in moi3d it is prone to freezing, the mouse will freeze then jump 2 cm or more as the next frame renders

It has no problem playing combat arms very smoothly and only plays up in moi

any ideas
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4233.2 In reply to 4233.1 
Hi shayne, the first thing to do is to go to the web site and download the latest video drivers from there and install them, that may solve the problem.

Another thing to check is go to the driver settings and see if you have a setting for "threaded optimization" enabled - if so uncheck that.

- Michael
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 From:  shayno
4233.3 In reply to 4233.2 
Thanks Michael
Done both of those no difference
the file I am opening is 12.8mb and works fine on my work pc which is 1/2 as powerful as this one, I have tons of ram and spare hard drive space and an 3.ogh processer running win xp sp3

I have attached screen shots of my graphics card set up for 3d
does directx or explorer affect how it displays ?
I downloaded latest internet explorere 9last week but its been freezing for months

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Size: 72.9 KB, Downloaded: 9 times, Dimensions: 553x226px
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 From:  vodkamartini
4233.4 In reply to 4233.3 
This might not be the problem, but it looks like your global settings are forcing some stuff (anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, etc). Your global settings should always be set for "application-controlled". Overriding the way programs implement some of this stuff is more often than not asking for trouble.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4233.5 In reply to 4233.3 
Hi shayne,

> the file I am opening is 12.8mb

That's not really very big - unless you have possibly set your display mesh settings to extremely high - what do you have for the setting in MoI under Options > View > Meshing parameters > Mesh angle ? You really shouldn't have anything under 10 degrees in that setting.

> and works fine on my work pc which is 1/2 as
> powerful as this one,

Well, being more powerful or not doesn't really have anything to do with things crashing or not - maybe I have misunderstood what you mean by "freezing" though - do you mean that it is displaying things but it is sluggish, or do you mean that the program completely locks up and doesn't respond to anything at all?

> I have attached screen shots of my graphics card set up for 3d
> does directx or explorer affect how it displays ?

Like vodkamartini says, you really should leave those settings to be all application controlled instead of forcing them to certain values for MoI - certain things particularly anti-aliasing can interfere with MoI's selection mechanism if it is forced on even when MoI has requested it to be off.

But maybe you can clarify what exactly you're seeing - when you say "freezing" what do you mean exactly? EDIT: oops I see that you did describe it, I missed that sorry.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4233.6 In reply to 4233.1 
Hi shayne, sorry I didn't read closely enough and I previously thought you were running into some kind of crash where the whole app was just completely locking up.

So for a kind of stuttering problem, turn off all those various settings that you've got forced on for MoI and make them all just application controlled, and also take a look at what you have set in MoI under the Options dialog under Options > View > Meshing parameters > Mesh angle.

The default value for Mesh angle is 10 degrees, which actually already makes quite dense display meshes.

If you went in and lowered that setting to some smaller angle, that could cause really super dense display meshes to be created which will bog things down by quite a bit.

Do things behave smoothly with the display when you don't have anything loaded at all?

- Michael
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