Hi Nima, it's not possible for MoI to be open source - the geometry library that MoI licenses is called Solids++ (
http://www.integrityware.com/solids.html), and it's not open source so it's not possible for me to release that code.
Even aside from that, I don't like the kind of uncertain and complex business model that you are describing (which seems to be just hope that people donate??). I prefer to have a simple low priced product that is just purchased normally - that's a nice simple system to be based off of.
re: growing fast - there are actually a lot of negative side effects from growing too fast, things like program bloat and inconsistent UI design come along with that so a lot of the nicest features of MoI (its fast, fluid, and easy to use UI) could easily be damaged by the kind of system that you're describing, so that's also another reason why I would not set things up like that.
A more kind of slow and incremental carefully designed program growth delivers a much better and coherent end result.
> but I believe MoI cannot compete with similar packages like Rhino
Well, of course it depends on exactly what you're trying to do. But quite a lot of the tools in Rhino are for pretty specialized uses, the vast majority of people don't use every single tool in it.
So I don't really agree... But also one of the main ideas for MoI is to make it possible for people to benefit from CAD who were completely unable to use it before because other tools like Rhino, etc... are just so complex and difficult to use. So in a certain sense MoI is not exactly trying to complete with these other packages, it's got a somewhat different focus. Over time the functionality of MoI increases of course and has more overlap, there was a big jump in functionality between MoI v1 and MoI v2, and there will be a similar jump from MoI v2 to MoI v3, it's kind of odd that you don't think that will happen?
Things have been quiet for the past 10 months or so as I've been doing some major internal architectural changes, that is nearly done and it won't be too much longer before I'm more on a track for new features again.
- Michael