strange start-up

 From:  mickelsen
MoI has started doing something strange on start-up. When I click the icon in the quickstart menu, the four windows appear but none of the buttons or info appear around the bottom and right hand side of the screen. Then, if I pass the mouse cursor over these areas, the buttons and other information appears. I have to sweep the mouse over all the bottom and right hand side to get everything to appear. I don't know if this is a bug or perhaps a problem with my copy of MoI. I am running Windows 7. Is there some incompatability between MoI and Windows 7?
This is not a huge problem, but it doesn't seem right, and I worry that something else might be wrong.
Do you release bug fixes before you get to the next major version?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4225.2 In reply to 4225.1 
Hi Mark, did you recently install Internet Explorer version 9 on your system?

What you are describing sounds like a glitch that was introduced in IE9 which affects MoI in that way on some systems.

What happens if you maximize the MoI window so that it takes up the whole screen, does the problem on startup go away after that?

I do plan on making an update patch to solve this startup display problem with IE9 installed, I haven't quite figured out what is going on yet though because it does not happen on every system.

> This is not a huge problem, but it doesn't seem right,
> and I worry that something else might be wrong.

As far as I know the only thing that is wrong with MoI running on IE9 is that cosmetic startup glitch.

If you want, you can uninstall IE9 and go back to IE8 which will solve the problem for now.

- Michael
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 From:  Ralf-S
Only a hint:
Hardware Acceleration" (GPU Rendering) is a new "feature" of IE9. :rolleyes:

If you want to disable the Hardware Acceleration feature in IE9, following trick will help:
1. Open IE9 and click on Tools icon. Now click on "Internet Options".
2. Go to "Advanced" tab and enable "Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering" option.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Mark,
Hi Michael,

Just for your info this happens to me also, but upon minimising and maximising, everything is good, Win7 Pro, Internet explorer 8.

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 From:  BurrMan
4225.5 In reply to 4225.4 
I used to get that response from the "options dialogue" on a computer running an ati card who's drivers were not in the OS mix.. I would investigate video driver issues on this.
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 From:  mickelsen
Yup. I did just install IE9. Maximizing the screen does seem to make the problem go away.
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