fixing a solid

 From:  Jim (JIMCRAFTON)
I found that I'd made a boolean diff on a solid and I now realize that I need to get rid of it. However when I tried to delete the faces I couldn't get things back to the state prior to making the boolean diffs. Could someone take a look at the solid for me and offer some alternate suggestions for how to do this? I'd prefer not to have to rebuild it from scratch. Attachment shows the area on the solid I'd like to take out and put back to being smooth there.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
4197.2 In reply to 4197.1 
Hi Jim, I haven't taken a look at your specific object yet (I will in a minute), but there is a tutorial on object repair techniques available here:

That covers the basic techniques which involve separating out surfaces and doing an "untrim" to erase trim curves off of some surfaces to recover the full underlying surface that is underneath a trimmed surface.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4197.3 In reply to 4197.1 
Hi Jim, so you will want to delete the faces as the first step - that will then leave a hole there and then to repair the hole you'll need to separate out the surrounding surfaces so that they are just totally individual surfaces not joined to anything else, then select some boundaries and push Delete to untrim them, then retrim the surfaces.

I'll see if I can get it most of the way there for you.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4197.4 In reply to 4197.1 
Hi Jim, I've almost got it fixed up.

There are are few little inaccurate bits in this model that make it a lot more difficult to cleanup though, like for instance in this little tiny area here:

The cutting object did not go all the way through the other one, leaving some little teeny tiny shelf like fragments at the end of that cut:

Those kind of little tiny fragments and irregularities make it a lot more difficult to work on those areas.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4197.5 In reply to 4197.1 
Hi Jim, I've attached a version that I think is all fixed up with that groove removed.

I did it using those techniques from that object repair tutorial - deleting the faces of the groove to start with, then separating out the other surrounding pieces into individual surfaces, untrimming those and then retrimming them.

The trickiest part is actually the retrimming, because when you do the untrim you get back the whole huge original surface, then you have to retrim that to the surrounding boundaries. To make good boundaries you also have to kind of start strategically at some of the bordering pieces and fix those up first before getting to the more central parts. It's kind of like fix up some of the edge pieces first to then get more restored edges to use for cutting the other parts.

Kind of complicated to explain unfortunately, there are a lot of little steps involved, the best attempt that I have at explaining it so far is that object repair tutorial above.

- Michael

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 From:  Jim (JIMCRAFTON)
Thanks Michael. appreciate that!!
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