Middle curves
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4180.4 In reply to 4180.1 
Hi ed, no there's nothing really like that right now for doing "in between" curves.

But what you show there looks a lot like a projected image of a kind of rotated set of curves, so you could possibly make it by making the full 3D curves first and then squishing them.

That would be something like - start with one curve like this:

Go to a side view and use Transform > Array > Circular to replicate it in a radial pattern:

Delete the bottom half:

Select those curves, and then go to a side view to squish them flat - do that by grabbing the corner edit frame grip here (you may want to click on the grip once before dragging it to switch from "scale from center" mode to "scale from opposite corner" mode):

Then drag it downwards until you get the "flat" snap like this:

That will make this kind of a result:

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
like this?
for 3D curves
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Currently I have two methods but those are a little bit boring and take a some time.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4180.7 In reply to 4180.6 
Lots of 2d vector programs have the feature you talk about and it might be worth it if you have to do it often.

Expression 3.3 is still available for free and can be downloaded here:

You can export a Ai file from Moi2d and open it with expression.
Selecting the two path and then click on Object/Blend Paths in the menu.

Expression 3 had also an incredible effects line engine.
It's very sad developers had left the direction it was going.


EDITED: 9 Apr 2011 by TELLIER

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 From:  Unknown user
Hi there,

Here's my solution of how to solve this problem: http://vimeo.com/22265766

It's a complex and time-consuming thing but at least it's made entirely with MoI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4180.9 In reply to 4180.8 
Hi PlasmaFX - there is a plugin called LineWeb which can automate that process that you're doing there - you can get the plugin from here:

Then for example on 2 curves like this:

Select those 2 curves and run LineWeb a first time to build connecting lines like this:

Then select those connecting lines and run LineWeb another time, and it will build curves between those lines in the other direction, like this:

Set the option for "Build: Curves" to build smooth curves going through the sampled points instead of lines.

That will actually do the same process as in your video (making some spaced points and then drawing curves through them), just automated.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4180.10 In reply to 4180.9 
you can see my last video tuto about LineWeb
(it's in French but... :)

EDITED: 11 Apr 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Thanks to all for the solutions! The line web thing is a great way to do it!
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 From:  Lordfox
4180.12 In reply to 4180.11 
Cool plugin, so iit is maybe great for creating an icehockey vizor?!
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