Fonts in MoI

 From:  YHWH_777
I have noticed that there are differences between the font list in MS Word and the font list in MoI.

How does MoI decide whether or not to include a font in its list?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4172.2 In reply to 4172.1 
Maybe it takes only True Type?
Only fonts who are vertorial?
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 From:  YHWH_777
4172.3 In reply to 4172.2 
Thanks for the response.

I can see TrueType fonts in the list as well as OpenType fonts in the list, but I don't see any Raster fonts in the list. This makes sense.

But what doesn't make sense is that I don't see all of the OpenType fonts in my list. So there must be some other criteria.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4172.4 In reply to 4172.3 
Wait the Michael's answer, he is not on the same Time Zone ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4172.5 In reply to 4172.1 
Hi YHWH_777, yeah it has to be a vector font and not a bitmap one. For OpenType fonts, there are actually a couple of different varieties of OpenType font structures, and I think that currently MoI will only open up one of those varieties.

I think it could be possible for the other OpenType varieties to be opened up as well though with some tweaks to the font enumeration code, I've got it on my list of things to look at for MoI v3 to see if that can be enabled.

- Michael
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 From:  YHWH_777
4172.6 In reply to 4172.5 


You gave me enough information to figure out what was going on. It seems that there are two types of OpenType fonts: TTF and OTF. MoI only seems to work with TTF fonts at this time.

Unfortunately, the font that I was trying to use had an OTF extension and wasn't one that I could use in MoI.

I was able to find a very similar font online that had a TTF extension, which I am now able to load into MoI and use.

You might want to consider adding this information into the documentation (for other users that might run into the same issue).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4172.7 In reply to 4172.6 
Hi YHWH_777,

> Unfortunately, the font that I was trying to use had an
> OTF extension and wasn't one that I could use in MoI.

Was that .OTF font publicly available? If so then could you please post or e-mail me ( a link to it so I could test updating the font handling code to see if I can get that font to be recognized for the next MoI version?

- Michael
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 From:  omac12

Hopefully this link comes through alright. This was a past thread about open type font compatibility.

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 From:  YHWH_777
4172.9 In reply to 4172.7 
>> Was that .OTF font publicly available?

I am not sure. I have about 500 or so fonts on one of my systems. I have no idea which ones are a part of Windows and which ones came with the various software packages I have purchased over the years.

Out of those 500 fonts, about 388 fonts were OpenType (of which 262 were TTF and 126 were OTF). So I'm pretty sure that you should be able to find a bunch of OTF fonts on almost any current Windows system.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4172.10 In reply to 4172.9 
Hi YHWH_777, on a machine over here with a default Windows install there were no .otf fonts present at all... So I think all of those on your system came from additional installations.

I think I do have a solution for MoI v3 for reading in .otf fonts, I just wanted to test it with the specific font that you were talking about initially to make sure it was working for that one. But you'll be able to test it when the first MoI v3 betas come out, hopefully not a whole lot longer before I'll be able to start the v3 beta process up.

- Michael
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 From:  omac12
ehmm, sorry if it seemed that I bombed your thread. I included the past thread link because we had found a couple of pieces of software that converted from otf to ttf that I thought might help. If that is of interest I just noticed that the link changed to for the first software. This is if you had need of a conversion to get you over the hump and not in any way meant to interfere with Michael's MOI conversion. I was just attempting to contribute something of value to this thread. Hopefully it isn't OT.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4172.12 In reply to 4172.11 
Hi omac12, I thought I vaguely remembered a previous thread on OpenType fonts, but I didn't find it with a quick look, so I'm glad that you found it and posted the link!

I think I searched for "OpenType", but that previous thread just didn't happen to ever use that word in it.

- Michael
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 From:  YHWH_777
4172.13 In reply to 4172.12 

It looks like the software that omac12 listed can convert TTF files to OTF files (and vice versa). You might be able to use it to create an OTF font file for testing purposes.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4172.14 In reply to 4172.13 
Hi YHWH_777, yeah actually I was able to find a few .otf fonts to download to test with.

But just in general I like to test with a specific file that someone was reporting a problem with just to verify that the specific thing they were reporting is actually dealt with, that's why I was asking previously about if that one particular font was available. It's ok if it's not though (or if you don't know where it specifically came from which sounds like the case), you can test that particular font yourself when the v3 beta comes out with the updated font code in it.

One of the general steps for dealing with bug reports is to try and gather up the stuff involved with the report so that I can make sure that I'm replicating the same problem over here. That doesn't always have to happen, but I will usually ask to receive any data files that the problem is dependent on just as a general policy, particularly when there is some variation in the types of data involved like in this case .otf files are not all the same and come in some different varieties. If all the .otf files I happen to test with are all of the same variety then maybe I won't find a problem in processing the other type.

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
4172.15 In reply to 4172.14 
Hi Michael,

I'd just recently downloaded a font that was for Free & also a Demo to encourage a further purchase.
It wasn't until I'd unzipped it that I realised it was an Open Type font.
I've a number of them already installed in my Systems Font folder so didn't think much about it.
Loaded this one in & opened MoI to use this particular font & found it wasn't listed there?
That was when I suddenly remembered that MoI only read True Type fonts.

My next tactic was to try using the font in Xara Xtreme & then Save it out as a AI-EPS file for Import back into MoI.
My version of Xara is reasonable old (V2), but it does read all the other Open Type fonts.
To my surprise, Xara also wouldn't/couldn't see this same font?
In the end I put it all down to a bad joke & gave up on this particular font & used something else.

But now reading all this info about OTF fonts potentially causing problems in MoI, I'm now wondering if the font concerned is actually an OTF?
Although it never actually got loaded into MoI to cause me any kind of problems, maybe it's still worth taking a look at it?
I've attached it just in case it might prove useful or some help with your tests for the V3 Betas.

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4172.16 In reply to 4172.15 
Hi Colin, yup that one is an OTF and it's that secondary variant of OTF (called "PostScript outlines") that MoI doesn't currently read.

This will be a good test file for me, thanks!

- Michael
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