How would I create a flush panel?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4162.8 In reply to 4162.1 
Hi eric, here's a demo of the "draw + sweep" method.

For drawing a path directly on to a box you can use the polyline command and do the drawing in the 3D view, that looks like this:

The one tricky part is the 2nd to last point - to get that to line up with the first point I created a construction line which you do by going back to the first point and then instead of just clicking a point there you hold down the mouse button and keep it pressed down and drag away - that pulls out a construction line which you can use for various purposes like here aligning the 2nd to last point with the first point.

Then to give it thickness, you can draw a little square down flat on the ground plane away from it like this:

Select the little square and run Construct > Sweep, then select that previously drawn polyline as the path, that will build the thickened shape like this:

Then select just the main box body, run Construct > Boolean > Difference and select the thickened piece as the cutting object to get this:

- Michael

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
What I usually do for panels that are a close fit, is to
1) draw the shape of the panel.
2) Then use Trim to cut the surface.
3) Extrude the new surface that you have trimmed, back into the body.
4) Then go back to the body and extrude the edges of the new hole back.
5) Join the new faces you have extruded to the body.
6) You can the place a small fillet round the edges of the new solid you created in the first extrude and the same radius fillet on the edges of the opening in the body.

This technique works on curved surfaces as well.

If you want the original body to remain a solid, it is a little more involved. Go up to step 3. Then select the trimmed edges of the original body and delete them. The hole should disappear. Then boolean difference your new solid from the original body, making sure you tick the "Keep Objects" box. You will then have a recess cut out of the body that your panel will fit exactly. Continue on with the fillets.
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 From:  ericb
4162.10 In reply to 4162.9 
Thanks for the replies everyone! I'll play around and find what works best for me.
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