The Blob
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 From:  wibble

Thanks for the tip, Michael.

After using Archipelis, I decided to see if I could build in a similar way in MoI. I came up with the similar approach to yours. But yours seems much better, because I was creating the two rails seperately and then sweeping an ellipse through them. Which meant I then had to go deal with the capped ends.

Anyway, after playing around for an hour, I came up with something fishy. I think I've learnt finally learnt how to build in MoI. At last! :)

EDITED: 28 Jul 2018 by FINEMA


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 From:  Michael Gibson
415.4 In reply to 415.3 
He looks great!
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 From:  GarBob (GARY-MOI)
415.5 In reply to 415.4 
Hi Michael,

I was reading about the blob thing and then I saw the picture of wibble's fish and thought that I'd like to try that.

I started by drawing the top and bottom profile in the front view and then added the elipse for the 3d portion of the fish. I then did a sweep using the elipse and the top and bottom rail with no ends so that I could use show points.

I then drew kind of an airfoil/fin thing and projected it to the outside of the fish body and then I extruded one side using a path. I then created the three small versions of the end of the extrude and did a loft including the end of the extrusion. Then I did a boolean union of the extrusion and the loft and then mirrored it to the other side.

Before this I had tried top add a bunch of points to the side of the fish but no points were created.

How do I create fins with closed ends?

How do I close the front and back of the fish?


EDITED: 28 Jul 2018 by FINEMA


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 From:  BurrMan
415.6 In reply to 415.5 
Here is one fin closed. You can do the same for the ends also.. If you split the edge into 2 by trimming, you can use the blend tool to get a nice end shape...

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
415.7 In reply to 415.5 
Hi Gary, the method Burr shows is a good way to do it.

Just to clarify, that method involves using the Trim command to cut the ending edge so that it is in 2 pieces, and then you can use the Blend command to blend between those 2 pieces.

When you are in the Trim command when it asks you for cutting objects you click the "Add trim points" button to tell it you want to pick a point to cut at instead of selecting a cutting object.

Also before selecting the edge, hide any of the original construction curves that you may have right on top of it, otherwise it is difficult to select the surface edge because the curve will be in the way of it.

- Michael

EDITED: 28 Jul 2018 by FINEMA

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 From:  GarBob (GARY-MOI)
415.8 In reply to 415.7 
Wow, that's really nifty. You just have to be careful where you put the trim points or you may get more than 2 segments which don't work.

I ended up using a sweep with a big end and a scaled down small end with a long arch to create the wing / fin.

This is so simple when you know what you're doing.

Thanks BurrMan and Michael!


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