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 From:  Michael Gibson
4132.2 In reply to 4132.1 
Hi Nick, those faces were just hidden - it looks like at one point you must have had those faces selected and then pushed the "hide" button?

Rhino does not support having different properties assigned to sub-objects like different styles assigned to individual faces or only some faces out of a joined solid hidden. Rhino only knows how to hide or show an entire object at once - so that's why you didn't see the same thing in Rhino, because this ability to control sub-objects individually is a feature specific just to MoI.

So to get those faces to show you will need to use a show command so they are not marked as hidden anymore.

There are a few different ways to do this - one way is to have nothing selected and then push the Edit > Hide button - that will show everything including those faces but a side effect will be that all your other hidden objects will be displayed as well. But if you use this method you can select your object, then do a Select > Invert and then do a Hide to hide all the other things.

A better way for this particular situation you've got here is to just show all the things belonging to Style = "Head". To do that, open up the scene browser and expand the "Styles" section - notice that the current status indicator for Style = Head shows just half an eye - that means that some of the things belonging to that style are hidden and some are visible:

The reason why it's a half eye instead of a full eye is because of those hidden faces. So to show everything that has Style = Head, click once on that half eye and it will switch to a full eye and those faces will then be displayed.

Also a different way you can do it without the scene browser is to select that object, and then hold down the Ctrl key and press the Hide button. That will do a special show operation called "Show subset" - one of the things that will do is to show all hidden sub-objects on a selected parent object. If you do that Ctrl+click "show subset" without anything selected it will do something a bit different than that which is to temporarily show all the currently hidden objects and let you pick just some of them to show instead of showing everything like the regular non-ctrl click does.

- Michael


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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
4132.3 In reply to 4132.2 
Thanks, That's a relief and a little odd. They *should* have been on the same layer/style...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4132.4 In reply to 4132.3 
Hi Nick,

> They *should* have been on the same layer/style...

It looks like they all are - but you can also hide objects not just by using the style controls but also by using the Edit > Hide button.

So for example if you select the top face of a box like this:

If you then go and push the Edit > Hide button, that face will be hidden, and it will look like this:

The face is still there, it's just been marked as hidden so it's not currently being displayed.

The style assignment of that face did not change though, only the hidden property of that face was changed. So now you have some things of that style that are hidden and some things that are shown, the scene browser shows this mixed state by displaying a half eye for the style's status:

This is one of the areas where MoI's styles are a little different than Rhino layers - in MoI when you click on the eye icon for a style, you're actually modifying the hidden property of several objects. That's a little different than Rhino because in Rhino a layer has its very own on/off property.

Working in this way gives MoI a lot of additional flexibility, like having the other "Objects" and "Types" sections in the scene browser that you can use alongside of the Styles section.

For example in MoI it is possible to show all solids by going to the Types section and clicking on the eye icon for the "Solids" item in there. The way Rhino is set up, it's not really feasible to do that very well because in Rhino in order to show an object you have to set the layer that an object is on to be visible and that will end up showing anything else that was also on that layer as well.

- Michael

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