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 From:  Kreten

Is it possible to assing shortcuts to different commands in MoI?

When drawing curves, could it be possible that we hit letter d on keyboard and enter distance value. Would be faster:-)
Very nice Interface!!!
Finlay started palying with MOI :-)

Also maybe a SmartTrack option?

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 From:  Kreten
413.2 In reply to 413.1 
Your meshing output (obj.) is UNBELIVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!


Any chance that you maybe add some more parametars?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.3 In reply to 413.1 
Hi Kreten,

> Is it possible to assing shortcuts to different commands in MoI?

Yes, this is possible by editing the moi.ini file, see here for some details: and there are also some other useful keyboard mini-scripts mentioned here:

> When drawing curves, could it be possible that we hit letter d on keyboard and
> enter distance value. Would be faster:-)

There's actually a faster way than that already built in - just type the number that you want and push enter, no need to push d first.

If you start typing numbers while drawing a curve, your keystrokes will go to the x/y/z coordinate prompt in the bottom toolbar. But if you type just a single number in there instead of x,y,z , when you push enter, it will put that value into the distance box, same as if you had clicked in the distance box. Except for if you type "0" - that is an alias for 0,0,0.

You can also type a number prefixed by the '<' sign into the x,y,z coordinate box and it will put that angle into the angle constraint box, so this is how you can set the angle by just immediate keystrokes (like '<45' instead of needing to click inside that angle box.

> Very nice Interface!!!

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

> Also maybe a SmartTrack option?

The equivalent to this in MoI is called "Construction lines" - you can get one by doing a click and drag motion with the mouse instead of a click and release, there is a section in the introductory documentation that goes over some of the details: .

Construction lines work a little differently than SmartTrack because it stays out of your way until you explicitly call for it with a drag motion. Then when you do actually call it, it gives you a few more additional snapping options than a single-point based snapping like SmartTrack or Drawing Assistant does, because the construction line is based off of 2 points instead of radiating out only from a single point, so stuff like the midpoint between 2 points and the reflected endpoints are also available with Construction lines. Let me know if you need more details on this.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.4 In reply to 413.2 
> Your meshing output (obj.) is UNBELIVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!
> WOW!!!!!

Thanks, I'm glad that you like it!

This is one of the areas where MoI is a lot different from all other NURBS modeling programs.

Once you start using it, you'll wonder how you ever could have lived with messy triangle meshes before! :)

> Any chance that you maybe add some more parametars?

Which parameters are you interested in?

- Michael
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 From:  Kreten
Michale thanx for responese :-)

Abouth meshing parametars will get back next time to it (will sketch something I had in mind for a long time)

Another question: Is it possible to have something like rendered display so you dont see any curves or isolines just surfaces?
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 From:  Kreten
413.6 In reply to 413.3 
"The equivalent to this in MoI is called "Construction lines" - you can get one by doing a click and drag motion with the mouse instead of a click and release, there is a section in the introductory documentation that goes over some of the details:"

Perfect! Simple! Awesome!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.7 In reply to 413.5 
> re: meshing parameters

Also, the down arrow in the mesh options dialog lets you get to some more parameters right now. You probably already saw that but just wanted to make sure...

> Another question: Is it possible to have something like rendered display so
> you dont see any curves or isolines just surfaces?

There isn't any mode for this yet, but I do expect to add this in at some point.

Right now the workaround is to select edges and hide them. That will only be temporary, they will come back if you edit the model further, but that will work for some visual inspection.

MoI doesn't show any interior isocurves for surfaces, only edge curves.

- Michael
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 From:  Kreten
Does Moi Have something like blend curves or match curves ( position, tangency, curvature)?
Find them very important tools
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.9 In reply to 413.8 
Hi Kreten, MoI doesn't have blend or match curves yet. Probably blend curves won't be too far off though, match might be a while longer.

- Michael
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 From:  Kreten
Michael can you tell me what are your primatry golas for the V1?
Any chance for G1 G2 G3 surfacing fileting?
I asked this a few times already becuse this is something that I use on daily bases.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.11 In reply to 413.10 
> Any chance for G1 G2 G3 surfacing fileting?

Hi Kreten, this might be possible, I'll have to check later today.
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 From:  Kreten
413.12 In reply to 413.11 
Include this and you have a cutomere! :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.13 In reply to 413.12 
Hi Kreten, I did a couple of initial experiments, and it looks like this is available in the geometry library that I'm using so it seems like it will be pretty easy to hook up. I will try some more tomorrow and let you know.

- Michael
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 From:  Kreten
413.14 In reply to 413.13 
Youre serious?!
With V1 youll acomplishe what Rhino didnt in 3 versions.

As Lord Vader said "Most impressive!" ;-)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
413.15 In reply to 413.13 
Damned, I will see that only after the 5 mars :/
Have you plan for a beta before?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.16 In reply to 413.14 
I haven't had a chance to test it too much yet, but it looks good so far, I should be able to tell more tomorrow.

Here's an example attached - instead of a fillet with a circular cross-section there are G2 blends here. Is this the type of thing that you were asking about?

You will still enter a radius which is used to determine the spacing, but you'll be able to choose a different shape than just circular. I think I'll also be able to have a "tension" parameter as well for the blend, we'll see...

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.17 In reply to 413.15 
> Have you plan for a beta before?

Yeah, I think I'll have one at the end of this week.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
413.18 In reply to 413.17 

So french translation will wait the 6 mars :D
Have cool new beta!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
413.19 In reply to 413.18 
The nice thing about the next beta is that it should fix _all_ previously reported crashes in fillets, booleans, and shelling. Things that could previously crash in these commands should now just fail instead of killing the program.

But there are a lot of changes in how these commands are processed, so it will be good to have the new method tested more widely to make sure it is working properly.

In addition to being protected from crashes in these commands, you will also be able to cancel them if they are running too long.

This is going to be a pretty key improvement for program stability.

- Michael
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 From:  Kreten
413.20 In reply to 413.16 


G2= tangency continuty?!
I think yes and G3 is the main thing, curvature continuity.

EDITED: 20 Feb 2007 by KRETEN

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