Hi Eddie, is anything displayed at all when you try to start up MoI like an error message of any kind?
After you try to launch it, does MoI.exe show up in the task manager list, or is it not present there at all?
Can you look in both the folder where MoI was installed and also your temp folder for any files named moi_report1.zip, moi_report2.zip and if there are any present please e-mail them to me at moi@moi3d.com so I can take a look at them. Those are crash dump files that are supposed to be created if something goes wrong and MoI crashes.
Also are you running any kind of anti-virus or anti-spyware type software? If so try temporarily disabling that to see if that is interfering with MoI's operation somehow.
Is there any other kind of low level system hooking software that you're running on your home machine, like something to change the appearance of Windows or anything of that nature? If so then also try temporarily disabling that to see that makes any difference.
MoI is dependent on some components of Internet Explorer in order to run, and if something has happened to mangle parts of your computer's system registry it can potentially mess up MoI's ability to run. It can be possible to fix that up by doing a reset of IE settings. There's a reset button under the system Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced tab, as shown in this blog post:
Let me know if none of the above helps and I'll try to see what else I can come up with. But it's probably either some conflict with some other installed software, or something messed up in your system registry that messes up the hosting mechanism for Internet Explorer components.
If you can find any crash dump files and send them to me that could give me a better idea of what might be going wrong.
- Michael