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 From:  Michael Gibson
4080.3 In reply to 4080.1 
Hi Rainer, yes normally moi will work fine on a laptop as long as it has some kind of 3D enabled video card on it, which is usually present unless it is a pretty old one.

Windows 7 already comes with Direct3D 9 installed so you shouldn't need to install it.

It could be a driver problem though, your best bet is to go to the ATI web site and download the newest drivers for your particular video card and install those and see if that solves things.

Also check your display settings, do you possibly have the desktop set to display in 16-bit color or something like that? If so try changing the desktop to display in full 32-bit color.

- Michael
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 From:  Lemo (LEMONNADO)
4080.4 In reply to 4080.3 
Thanks a million! Rebooted twice and now it works.... go figure...
Soon you'll have a new customer Michael!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4080.5 In reply to 4080.4 
Hi Rainer, that's great that it's working now!

It sounds like the driver may be a bit flaky though, you probably should go to ATI's web site and download the latest version of their video driver and install it, that may help to avoid some video glitches in the future on that system.

- Michael
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