Infinite lines
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4032.3 In reply to 4032.2 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the pointers on the non-disappearing CLines.

I was imagining a continuous line that would be selectable like other objects, that could be moved around as your project evolve.

I also remember finding it also quite useful in 3d to have constrained horizontal and vertical infinite lines, doing offsets and creating geometry on existing objects. In certain situations snapping make it difficult to orient CLines.

But then again it might be redundant.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4032.4 In reply to 4032.3 
Hi ..

I simply set up a style with a pale color and use that for construction or grid lines and can hide them or make them visible for reference.

I often use these later for dimension grid lines.

I do architectural work and so mostly use rectangular or angular lines so this works well.

It will be even better when MoI has line types and thickness controls.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4032.5 In reply to 4032.3 
Hi Marc,

> I was imagining a continuous line that would be
> selectable like other objects, that could be moved
> around as your project evolve.

One problem with trying to treat an infinite line as if it was the same as a regular object is that it can't really be used for input into all the commands as regular curve objects.

For example it would not work to try and extrude an infinite line, or revolve it, etc...

There's some potential for confusion when something looks as if it is a regular object and selects and moves like one, but then when you try to actually use it in other ways the same as other objects it then suddenly stops behaving like the other objects that it appears similar to.

In a 2D only type CAD system I guess you would not have that same kind of problem.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4032.6 In reply to 4032.5 
Hi Michael,

It make sense, it could be confusing this way...
Well, it was just a thought.

> I simply set up a style with a pale color and use that
> for construction or grid lines and can hide them or make
> them visible for reference.

Hi Eric, yes this what I do also!

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 From:  BurrMan
4032.7 In reply to 4032.6 
I think construction lines are selectable and movable
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4032.8 In reply to 4032.7 
Yes just click on the little thumbnail that appears at each helpers line release ;)
you can move rotate re orient Divide and project !
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4032.9 In reply to 4032.7 
Hi Burr,

> I think construction lines are selectable and movable

Yeah they are if you use one of those script methods to make one that stays around after the current command exits.

But it's kind of hacky - they don't have highlights or show in selected colors even though they can be dragged around. It's not really a fully finished off area.

- Michael
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Solidworks allows infinite lines. They can be construction lines or real lines. If they are left as real lines, SW ignores them when using the sketch, say, for extruding. This is confusing so I always convert them to construction lines.
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