Hi Jurgen,
> Could you please have a look at the second file I originally
> attached ('KleinTeil rounded').
> Here I tried something similar to the clipping you applied, but
> I could not FILLET nor SHELL this object (filleting would not be
> required for this object).
The problem with that one is your clipped areas are very small slivery surfaces, like this:
That's bad for filleting because you are limited to only use a maximum radius that will fit around that little slivery face there without eating it all away. Because that face is so small, the radius limit will be very very small in this particular case.
That's why it is probably better for this shape to be created with larger surfaces but where the surfaces meet each other with something like a 20 degree angle instead of coming to a completely flattened 0 degree angular difference from opposite sides.
Little slivery surfaces like your clipped version will be a problem for shelling as well.
> Is there a possibility to shell this Object (, which would
> significantly reduce the cost of the 3D-print)?
Your original model seems to shell ok over here - I tested loading your KleinTeil.3dm model and running Shell on it with a thickness of 0.5 units, and that creates a hollowed out shape, I have attached the 3DM file result KleinTeil_shelled.3dm
If you do a boolean with that object with a line and move the parts you'll see it has thickness, like this:
It's best to do the shell on the object before you do any fillets on it - if you put fillets on first then that creates more things that the Sheller has to process.
In a worst case scenario for removing internal volumes, you can just model some rough shapes and put them inside the model and use boolean difference to make them cavities within the main shape - that will also work to make hollowed out areas within your shape you don't have to only use shell for that. Shell is convenient but it's best to give it the most simplified version of your shape for it to have the best chance, meaning no little slivery surfaces, no little tiny fillets - put on things like that after the shell instead of before it.
- Michael