Hi Ed... There are no post operations on what you see. Since it's a contest for Simlab, that would not be allowed... Everything is straight out of SimLab...
The "Bubble"???? Do you mean the Cars Top???
It's just this piece, with the "Clear Glass" material applied...
I got a late start in the contest.. Didnt know it was happening as i didnt spend much time there.. I wasnt really using it yet.. Then they sent out an email about the "extention".. I hemmed and hawed for a couple more weeks, then decided to jump in...
I dont really care for the "built in pre-mades" it has..( round table etc ) The motion just doesnt seem very good...Too Static. Like Midi Music.. I would just animate the camera myself.
Did you know that the renderer for Simlab is the "Luxon, or KeyShot" engine??? It's the same thing, just without the real time raytracing.. So you have to do the old, sit and watch squares render out.. lol But still great output!!! I want to suggest they try to link up with luxon still, so if you own the pro version of it, it could use that engine instead.. May not be possible.. If it can, I may switch to Keyshot from HyperShot...
I'de be glad to discuss anything about the project with you.. Maybe should get into detail in the Simlab forum, if you wanted to know particulars about it...
Thanks for the compliment!!!!