Boolean woes.

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

It's only occasionally I come across problems like this, I have a work around but I thought I'd post the problem for your reference or maybe an explanation/solution.

Basically, I want to Boolean Diff the cylinder, which is only a surface, from the solid sector , I wish to keep both the sector and the resultant plug after doing the Boolean, no luck.


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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

I just discovered that MoI tells me the solid sector is a solid, but on closer inspection something funky is going on with one of the surfaces on the solid.

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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
3982.3 In reply to 3982.1 
Hello DannyT:

In your example, the solid is no a volume, but a polysurface, isnĀ“t it? Then, there are only two surfaces for work in.

Maybe only a trim command is enough for get that you want.

Sorry if it is not the question you were looking for!

Edit: You have discovered the answer yet! :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3982.4 In reply to 3982.2 
Hi Danny - yeah something seems to be wrong with the bottom surface of the sector part - that surface is not getting shaded properly and it almost seems to be getting shaded with a little bit of stuff going towards the outside of the surface. That could mean that some process constructed it incorrectly with the trims going in the opposite direction from what they are supposed to (normally outer trims are supposed to go in a counter-clockwise sequence in UV space).

I've attached a repaired version - I extracted that bad face, copied its edge curves and untrimmed the surface, then pasted those edge curves back in and retrimmed to them, and then joined the newly trimmed surface back into place.

This version should work as expected now - you can now select the sector and the cylinder and use the boolean Merge command to generate a cut sector and also keep the plug as well.

So it looks like some kind of geometry bug happened at some point in construction of the sector, unfortunately it's difficult to figure out where the bug was at just by examining the end model...

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3982.5 In reply to 3982.4 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for looking into this. The surface that you separated and untrimmed was my starting point, I then trimmed up the surface into a number of segments, like the one I posted, and applied a thickness to them, they all looked ok and when selected MoI indicated they were solids It's only after I tried to do the Boolean operation I noticed the problem, all good now.

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