Surfaces won't join - very frustrating and happens too often

 From:  Satoribomb
Hi Michael & MoI Community,

My apologies for grousing on Christmas eve, but I'm encountering consistent issues trying to create and join surfaces from networked curves. I've attached the 3dm file for reference. I'd really like to understand why I cannot join the red and blue surfaces, since they used the same curve at their adjoining ends for the network commands that created them. This is frustrating to say the least and not the first time I've encountered this kind of roadblock, just the first time I've been agitated enough to ask for help with it and not just give up.

Any help you can provide, once the Christmas holiday is behind us, would be appreciated.

Happy and restorative Christmas to you all

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3939.2 In reply to 3939.1 
Hi Satoribomb - this is a problem particularly with Network - the problem is that it uses a looser tolerance than many other surfacing commands in order to avoid making a hugely dense surface when there are a lot of curves being used.

But that can sometimes put the generated surface to be not within the join tolerance of the original curves.

This is definitely something that I want to fix up - I'm planning on doing some work to make just the outer edges of the network be fit to a higher tolerance than the inner ones, that should give better accuracy along the outside edges without a big increase in surface complexity.

For now the workaround for this problem is to scale your object down by 1/10 in size, which will also scale down the size of the gaps between surfaces. Then the surfaces will join and you can rescale back up again.

The steps for doing this are like this:

Select objects that won't Join.

Run the Transform > Scale command, type in 0 and push Enter to use the 0,0,0 origin point as the scale origin, and type in 0.1 and push enter to use a scale factor of 1/10

Now Join them up.

Then run the Transform > Scale command again, type in 0 and push Enter and type in 10 and push enter and the joined object should be back at its previous scale.

That's what I did with the attached model to get it to join up.

You may need to do this to join surfaces when building a Network in adjacent pieces until I can get the problem fixed.

- Michael

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 From:  Satoribomb
Michael - you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for the work-around, and for taking the time to address my concerns smack in the middle of the holiday season.

Thank you so much.
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