Wishful thinking :-)

 From:  Jacob
There is another feature that would absolutely rock if it made it's way to MoI: Basic rigging. More like constraints, really, an ability to set MoI to always rotate and translate objects together whenever they are all selected or even visible at the same time.

One use case would be designing an object that should fit another, for example a laptop docking station. After making a "baseplate" with connectors that mate to the laptop, you could then manipulate it in space freely as the overall design develops without having to bother with moving the laptop at the same time. Yet, it would be instantly available at the right place if you had to check the design.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3937.2 In reply to 3937.1 
Hi Jacob, the problem with that is that the major goal for MoI is to be focused on modeling. And not only that, there is also a big focus with MoI on ease of use and a fluid streamlined operation. This overall goal is kind of at odds with jamming in tons of features for things that are not quite primarily in the area of modeling.

Maybe in the future some stuff like that could get added in as some kind of optional plug-in package or something along those lines.

I am interested in adding in some kinds of constraint mechanism, but the initial focus of that will probably be much more as a way to edit 2D curves and not on constraining inter-object relationships like you are describing. The kind of stuff that you are talking about sort of fits in more with a program that is focused more on animation or simulation.

- Michael
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 From:  Jacob
Just as I stated, it's just wishful thinking. I just pointed a problem that I encountered during building a model, hoping that it can, potentially, give you an idea on how to improve MoI.

As an aside, does MoI have a plugin interface now? The feature is quite simple, but it needs a little memory to keep it's own status around so I don't think it is something that could be coded using scripting interface as it is.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3937.4 In reply to 3937.3 
Hi Jacob,

> As an aside, does MoI have a plugin interface now?

You can do script plugins now, but there is not yet an interface for doing more heavy-duty C++ binary plugins.

I do want to set up a system for binary plugins in the future, but I expect that to require a lot of work particularly in the area of supporting programmers that are trying to use it. Right now stuff like working on new modeling tools has precedence over that.

- Michael
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