Hi Bob,
Most of my work in MoI is used for making jewellery Masters which have text within them & that are milled in wax for casting.
So thought I'd offer up some Tips via an Example file that seem to work for me (or at least for my workflow/style).
With regards to Fonts, I went through them & noted which ones that will work for me without too many headaches.
With that list I then setup 3DM files for each Font & saved them as Templates with each letter as a curve & edited each using "Points".
This way I'm able to open whichever Font Template I need & just Copy & Paste into the job I'm working on.
In your case if you intend using only one style of Font, then this shouldn't be too hard or time consuming to do.
Because of the scale that I work at & the Conical Cutters used to mill with, I tend not to worry too much about fillets or draft angles.
It's mostly too much depth on small text that'll cause me dramas in the Rubber Moulds, so I typically stay at about 0.35mm to 0.4mm depth.
Obviously this wouldn't apply in your particular case.
I typically position my Text over the top of the surface & just use "Trim" to cut the surface with instead of the "Project".
With the surface now cut, I just select those "Surface Text" items & use "Shell" to accurately get the required depth I'm wanting.
The "Shell Text" gives you a Solid, so you'll need to remove the very top surface of the text by clicking on it twice aka "drilling down".
Then all you need do is "Delete" that top surface & you'll have a recessed piece of text.
With letters like "A,a,B,b,D,d,e" etc, you'll need to "Join" their centre surfaces as required onto their newly opened "Shell Text".
To finish, select all the "Shell Text" & the surface or items they're to be part of & use "Join".
So assuming your original starting surface came from a Solid & that you've done everything correct, rejoining it should produce a watertight Solid again.
HTH, Colin