MoI finds a home
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 From:  Anis
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3892.2 In reply to 3892.1 
Does this confirmed by Michael?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3892.3 In reply to 3892.2 
I think it's official Pilou......

Congratulations Michael! a great marketing partner you got yourself there, is it just a partner or will there be other news in the future?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.4 In reply to 3892.1 
Hi Anis, yes MoI will now be bundled along with Alibre Design Expert.

MoI and Alibre complement each other nicely since MoI is focused on some different kinds of areas than Alibre but they can still share geometry with each other.

It should mean some broader exposure for MoI which will be great!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3892.5 In reply to 3892.4 
ok :)

Does this venture can be made with some other progs or that is exclusive?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.6 In reply to 3892.3 
Hi Danny, there aren't any kind of structural company changes, Alibre is a partner that will include a MoI license as part of the bundle of stuff that someone who orders Alibre Design Expert gets. It's similar to how they currently bundle KeyShot as well.

In particular MoI adds some surfacing tools that Alibre doesn't currently have, so it helps sort of fill in some areas in their overall solution right now. Then aside from that MoI also adds some other kinds of things in as well like a streamlined UI that's nice for quick concept model work and some more connectivity to some other programs (SketchUp, Modo, Cinema4D, etc..).

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3892.7 In reply to 3892.6 
Hi Michael,

I did think it's a partnership and no more, good news for both parties I think.

Alibre mentions importing models from MoI using STEP format doesn't their .3dm import work with MoI ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.8 In reply to 3892.5 
Hi Pilou,

> Does this venture can be made with some other progs
> or that is exclusive?

It's not exclusive - it would be possible for similar deals with other companies if they were interested.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.9 In reply to 3892.7 
Hi Danny,

> Alibre mentions importing models from MoI using STEP
> format doesn't their .3dm import work with MoI ?

Yes, their 3DM import does work with MoI models - I guess they are used to focusing on STEP as the most frequent way to interchange data in general.

Also I'm not sure if they also export 3DM out from Alibre.

They can import any of STEP, 3DM, SAT, or IGES formats saved out of MoI.

Actually SAT may be a good way to go from MoI into an ACIS-based modeler, in the past I've kind of got the feeling that the ACIS importers don't tend to mess around with trying to tweak things as much with their own format.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
Michael T.


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 From:  BurrMan
3892.11 In reply to 3892.9 
Alibre is using the ACIS kernel and they also have a "proprietary" version of the ASCIS/SAT format for handleing stuff like their assemblies and such....I think this is great for Alibre!
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 From:  3DKiwi
Sounds pretty good to me. More people using MoI has got to be good for it.

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 From:  lemoine (CADSOFT)
3892.13 In reply to 3892.9 
Hello Michael,

The development of MOI will continue normally as now and you will continue to sell it as a standalone product?
Inside ALibre, Moi will have it´s own interface or will it run in Alibre interface?

Is there some timing for a first future release already inside ALibre?

I´m not a big fan of Alibre but i do think that a big exposure will help spreading licenses.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.14 In reply to 3892.13 
Hi João, there aren't really any changes in MoI regarding this...

> The development of MOI will continue normally as now

Yes, development of MoI will continue the same as now - it is not changed in any way.

> and you will continue to sell it as a standalone product?

Yes, it's all the same as before, no changes.

> Inside ALibre, Moi will have it´s own interface or will
> it run in Alibre interface?

It's just the regular MoI version that is available for Alibre Expert users to download from their Alibre account, so it still has its own interface the same as the current MoI version. I mean, it is just the current MoI version, just bundled.

> Is there some timing for a first future release already inside ALibre?

You mean directly inside the Alibre interface instead of the regular standalone current MoI program? No, currently there is not any timing or plan for changing MoI that way.

> I´m not a big fan of Alibre but i do think that a
> big exposure will help spreading licenses.

Yeah, I think the exposure will be good, it should help make MoI reach a bunch of people who probably would not have found out about it otherwise.

- Michael
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 From:  olio
3892.15 In reply to 3892.14 
IMHO It is not a great move, I fear that linking Moi with second rate software such as Alibre, will not reflect well on Moi. Even thought it might be great exposure, but you got to be picky about your partners. Some poeple will look at Moi and Alibre as one!.
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 From:  falcon76
3892.16 In reply to 3892.15 
I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
Then they don't support Windows 7 for previous version. I have a license that doesn't expire but I don't have the OS for use it. The worst experience I had with a software (along with Windows ME maybe....).
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 From:  Ralf-S
3892.17 In reply to 3892.16 
> I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
There are 3 Versions:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert

You probably bought the Standard V11.x ( $ 97,-) version that was released before Windows 7.
The current version is 2011 - 32 bit and 64 bit

> First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
That`s wrong.
Insert -> Surfaces -> *.3dm

Party with: SAT, IGES, STEP :-)

Example: Created with Alibre, Moi3D and KeyShot :-)

EDITED: 6 Dec 2010 by RALF-S

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 From:  BurrMan
3892.18 In reply to 3892.17 
It's a great move for Alibre. MoI will bring powerful, easy to use modeling features to their package....An advantage of Alibre software is it has parametrics and assemblies.. Although it's not top of the line, I dont think it's fair to call it second rate. I dont think it will hurt MoI in any way either... I think it will intoduce MoI to a wider CAM market. So far, many artists in their communities know about MoI.. It's still largley undiscovered in the Machinist industry.

Normally I dont speak about/promote softwares in other peoples forums... I think I will introduce MoI in a couple I participate in now!!!

Good luck Michael! :)
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)

I am brand new to MoI. I caught wind of it when viewing the Alibre forum this evening. I have Alibre but rarely use it. I am actually a TurboCAD guy and use Alibre's 3D PDF functions with some of my TurboCAD models. One thing that Alibre & TurboCAD have in common is that they both handle the creation of organic shapes poorly. When I saw the announcement about the inclusion of MoI with Alibre, I thought what a great idea. So I began to wonder, why couldn't that be a possibility for TurboCAD. I downloaded the trial of MoI, I created a quick version of that six legged pod and saved to all available formats of which TurboCAD will open many. The model was very much editable in TurboCAD and could be rendered and worked with in all manner of ways. I quickly posted a link on the TurboCAD forum and hope that the attention of the TurboCAD developers can be peeked. Maybe Michael should consider approaching IMSI/Design with a similar proposal.

I am a long time TurboCAD Beta tester and comprehensive TurboCAD Tutorial provider and I have not been this excited since I stumbled across TurboCAD many years ago. I will be curious to watch this thread (and others) to watch the further development of MoI.

I will certainly be looking at MoI a lot more seriously and may just make it one of my regular tools.

Best regards to all,
Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.20 In reply to 3892.19 
Hi Don, your pod turned out great! :)

And yes, MoI makes a nice companion to TurboCAD in much the same way as Alibre. In fact since MoI has a somewhat different overall workflow and focus than the the traditional "parametric solid modeler" way of working, it can be pretty handy as a companion to a lot of CAD programs...

Things are just somewhat less formal and more streamlined for quick drawing in MoI.

- Michael
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