Crash on Close.

 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
I have been running the MOI trial for the last couple of days and have encountered a weird bug. The program works fine and I am able to use it for hours on end without any crashes, however when I close the program and return to the windows desktop I get a hard carsh, blue screen of death and then a restart.

Has anyone else gotten this kind of behavior? Running Windows Vista on an i7 machine.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3856.2 In reply to 3856.1 
Hi Andy, this is the first time I've heard of this particular behavior.

A blue screen though practically guarantees that it's a driver problem - the structure of the OS prevents regular program code like MoI from accessing things that could crash the whole machine. But drivers run at a special level of privilege and if a driver messes up that's what can cause that kind of whole machine crash.

So I'd definitely recommend updating your video drivers to the latest version and see if that solves the problem. Try going to the manufacturer's web site and getting the latest version directly from there rather than through Windows Update.

- Michael
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
3856.3 In reply to 3856.2 
Okay, thanks for the information. I just finished an hour session and it didn't crash when I closed it, so maybe the problem fixed itself... At any rate I am really enjoying the software and will be purchasing within the next few weeks. Thanks for making nurbs accessible to us mere mortals, I foresee moi replacing much of my subdivision modeling work.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3856.4 In reply to 3856.3 
Hi Andy, well I'm glad that you didn't run into it again, but I'd still recommend updating your video driver just to make sure.

Also if you have an nVidia card you might go to the driver settings and see if there is a checkbox there called "Enable threaded optimizations" and disable it.

I'm glad that you are liking NURBS modeling with MoI! It's nice to have a NURBS modeling tool available to you, since it can be much easier and quicker to do mechanical or man-made type objects with NURBS.

Basically if the model you want to create is well defined by 2D profile curves and has holes and cuts in it, NURBS tends to work really well for that kind of stuff.

If your model is more organic in nature and has stuff like little bumps, ripples, and folds in it or stuff like that, then that's where sub-d is more suitable. Things like human faces, creatures, things like that are more in this category.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
3856.5 In reply to 3856.3 
Hi Andy :)
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
3856.6 In reply to 3856.5 
Hey. :) Good to see you here. Lot's of Modo users here from the looks of it.
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