Filleting workflow
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 From:  timo (TLUK)
3829.5 In reply to 3829.4 
Its not problem with radius here really, but instead which edges to select.
So far I have worked fillets like this simple box example, where first set of edge fillets form rounded edge loop to fillet next. In this model there are too many intersections that I havent figured out where to start.
Could you show which edges did you select to get that example you have shown?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3829.6 In reply to 3829.5 
Hi timo - if you want to round off all edges then you don't actually need to select the edges individually, you can select the whole object and then run Fillet on it and that will fillet all sharp edges in the whole model.

Also you can select a face as the input to the Fillet command, which will cause all the edges that belong to that face to be targeted for filleting, sometimes that is an easier thing to grab than edges.

But I'm not sure if I understand - you wrote that the radius is not a problem? But that one area that I showed above is small in size, so that will limit the largest radius that will be possible - you won't be able to fillet with a radius that would cause that entire little piece to be completely eaten away.

> Could you show which edges did you select to get that example you have shown?

I just selected the whole object (just a single click on the object to select the full object, no sub-object selection at all) to target all edges, and filleted with a radius of 0.03 . That seems to be about the maximum value that will fit in that little area shown above.

> So far I have worked fillets like this simple box example, where first
> set of edge fillets form rounded edge loop to fillet next.

You would normally only really do them in different sets like this if you want to have different radius values on some different areas. Like for example if you wanted to have a result that looked like this:

If you want something like that where you've got different radius values on different edges, then do the fillets for the larger radius first (making some new smooth rounded edges like you were showing), and then do the smaller one on the other edges after that.

But usually if you want to have everything all filleted at the same radius then you would want to do them all at the same time, although if you've got different areas that do not touch each other you can do those separately if you want.

However, sometimes it can be easier to get things filleted by using different radius values in different areas and trying to build some smooth loops like you were talking about. That's because smooth loops are just easier for the filleter to process in general because a smooth loop will end up with all the fillet surface pieces connecting up to each other end-to-end directly instead of having "corner patch" type areas needing to be created to fill in more complex junctures where multiple fillets meet up.

It's not entirely clear to me which areas you want rounded in your lid - is there only one area that you wanted to be rounded or are you trying to round off every edge in the whole thing?

- Michael

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