Moi3D and Linux

 From:  motorsep
Has anybody tried to run Moi3D under Linux? (through WINE)
I am building my new PC and I really don't want to by M$ Windows ;)
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 From:  motorsep
379.2 In reply to 379.1 
Hmm.. So nobody actually tried Moi3D on Linux?
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 From:  Bobo (SLOBODAN)
Hi motostep,

I haven't tried MOI on linux but I would like to see it on Linux.
I don't understand why programmers when they take on a project don't plan for multi platform but instead lock them selves and end users to one platform, specially that platform being M$. This doesn't refer to MOI alone but to most softwares out there. I would switch to Linux in no time only if I had tools to use.
Just my 2 cents.


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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)

Maybe is a problem if Moi uses Directx and not OpenGL? I don´t know if wine resolve that question.
But I am a newbie in linux and a complete ignorant in wine :-)
Good luck!
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
Well....I´ve just seen that wine suports Directx 9 :-)

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 From:  tyglik
379.6 In reply to 379.3 
Maybe, we could allow Michael to work on porting Moi to MacOS and Unix-like platforms for V2. However, it would entail no other improvement. Would users bear or appreciate such venture plan? I don't think so...(although, I would)

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 From:  motorsep
379.7 In reply to 379.6 
As long as Moi3D can run through WINE, it's cool ;)
But seriously, Linux need NURBS modeler that works.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
379.8 In reply to 379.3 
Hi Slobodan,

> I don't understand why programmers when they take on a
> project don't plan for multi platform but instead lock
> them selves and end users to one platform, specially
> that platform being M$.

It's mostly a matter of time and effort... It takes quite a bit of extra time and effort to plan things for multi-platform. And then considerable additional effort to actually test and deliver on multiple platforms.

In the case of MoI for example, I was really stretched to the absolute limit just planning on program features and working on program UI itself. If I also threw in the additional burden of planning things for multi-platform, I am pretty certain I would never have been able to get it off the ground initially, it would just be too much work.

It also takes a somewhat specialized set of tools and experience to do multi-platform work.

A lot of times the development tools used to assist making a program are more tuned to one platform - for instance this is the case with Microsoft, they provide some nice tools that make it easier to develop programs than a lot of other tools, but these tools are focused just on Windows development.

Given unlimited time and energy, it would be a lot more feasible for every developer to do multi-platform for every program. But unfortunately unlimited time and energy just aren't available! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Bobo (SLOBODAN)
Thanks Michael,

I didn't mean anything personal and everything was said in good spirit. I do appreciate the work you do here and it's great product you are building here.

Keep up good work.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
379.10 In reply to 379.9 
Hi Slobodan, I didn't take it as anything personal - that really was just an explanation to your question. I wish I did have enough time to do multi-platform, maybe I will have a chance to work on it in a few years down the road.

- Michael
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 From:  f700es
379.11 In reply to 379.10 
Well Michael when you make millions from MOI you can hire a few nerds from Slash-dot to re-code a linux version ;)
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