>>>Although I own ACAD2011 I don't use it any more and I won't upgrade.... I use Revit and ACAD was part of the Revit Arch suite... However it is too "heavy" for what I need it and Draftsight is light, fast and really useful...
JTB IF Revit and ACAD are too "heavy" for you take a look @ VASARI http://labs.autodesk.com/utilities/vasari/
At the moment Draftsight seems to be the best free alternative to AutocadLT, lets hope Dassault Systemes will continue to develop it and it wont have the some destiny as DWGeditor...
IT seems Dassault Systemes is trying everything to help AutoCAD users to move to SolidWorks & Catia...
Competition is good BUT personally I'm not interested on another "FREE" DWG clone destined to fail. And is not the first time they fail to deliver innovation, look at 3DVIA SHAPE for exampled, a pathetic SketchUp clone which they never manage to evolve...