Curve Length, Area, Perimeter, Volume

 From:  mk (MARKY)

How could I get above data to be displayed for particular curves, surfaces or objects?
I'm aware only of one pretty odd command for the curve length to be read from the clipboard but is that all?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3775.2 In reply to 3775.1 
Hi Marek, yeah that one command is it currently for this in MoI.

So right now you generally need to export your model to a different CAD program to get those kinds of measurements. Rhino works well for this purpose, even the trial version.

I do plan on adding these in for MoI v3. Previously the focus was more on drawing and modeling tools and not so much on analysis or information gathering tools.

- Michael
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Message 3775.3 deleted 15 Sep 2010 by MARKY

 From:  mk (MARKY)
3775.4 In reply to 3775.2 
Hi Michael,

"So right now you generally need to export your model to a different CAD program to get those kinds of measurements".


Since it's a great free form architecture 3D sketch tool it would be much more valuable with features like these.
It's strong where the Sketchup is weak.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3775.5 In reply to 3775.4 
Hi Marek,

> Since it's a great free form architecture 3D sketch
> tool it would be much more valuable with features
> like these.

Yup, I definitely agree, and I do plan to add them!

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3775.6 In reply to 3775.4 
""""""''So right now you generally need to export your model to a different CAD program """""""""""

Well, yeah, but I wouldnt really say "Export".... "Copy and Paste!!!!" into Rhino....
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 From:  mk (MARKY)
3775.7 In reply to 3775.6 
"Well, yeah, but I wouldnt really say "Export".... "Copy and Paste!!!!" into Rhino...."

Well, how much more you have to shell out?
Another $1k for Rhino just for that? €4k for ArchiCAD combined with MoI and Sketchup is good enough for me now.

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