Rhino & MoI or just Rhino?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3771.6 In reply to 3771.5 
Hi eric, in regards to DraftSight can you bring in 3d models for drafting or is it purely 2d only ?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3771.7 In reply to 3771.6 
Why not this free version ?
Seems more powerful ;)

# Open & save .DWG, .DXF, and .DWF formats from AutoCAD
Superior workflow with Google™ SketchUp and SketchUp Pro
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Drakonsden
Thanks to all who answered.

Michael, the first link you gave shows exactly the problems I have had with exports from CAD programs to OBJ format. In fact the products I am trying to get models for are very similar to the ones shown in the first link. Round items with holes in them. The areas around the holes never come out correctly no matter how I have tried. I love the results that MoI gives in comparison to the Rhino output. I am sold on MoI and as soon as I get the money it is going to be my first investment. I can deal with the TurboCAD Pro I have now for a little longer if I can get meshes that clean from MoI. There is no comparison. Thank you.
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 From:  unclecharlie
3771.9 In reply to 3771.7 
# Open & save .DWG, .DXF, and .DWF formats from AutoCAD
Superior workflow with Google™ SketchUp and SketchUp Pro


Thanks Frenchy, I have used DoubleCad XT v1 but didn't know about the SketchUp import in v2.

They are pretty ballsy on their gallery page. They are using a sample file that comes with the ACad installation to show the flexibility of their annotations. I'm sure Autodesk would take exception to that if they saw it.

The thing I like about DraftSight is it works almost exactly like ACad. Even the buttons look the same. I am old and set in my ways.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3771.10 In reply to 3771.6 
Hi Danny ...

It is a 2d program ... and it won't import directly from MoI. It would be helpful if MoI could export dxf files ...

One day, perhaps.

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3771.11 In reply to 3771.10 

Draftsight has the ability to read 3d objects, so you can dimension and detail it.
But yes, it only imports Dwg/ASCII binary dxf.

There's also has a script to export 2d curves from Moi3d in dxf.

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 From:  Fredrik (FREDRIKW)
Talking from own experience i find the combinarion Rhino+Moi to be very powerful.
I love both these two programs, they are my favorite tools.
Anyways, I can mention a few important things Moi does which Rhino doesnt:

- G2 og G3 -fillets

- Optimized N-Gon meshing?

- Runs straight from a memory stick and can open both files from Rhino and Moi(!!!)

- ACIS (.sat) import / eksport (Rhino has only export)

- Shelling (Rhino 5 will get shelling, but it remains to see how well it will work)

- Very nice shading options which makes it easy to show your model clearly and nicely with a few mouse/tablet clicks.

The two programs have different systems dealing with the geometry, so sometimes boolean operations will work in Moi and not in Rhino and vice versa.
Rhino has Grasshopper, dimensioning, layout pages and a whole bunch of other useful things.

If pure precice modeling is what you need, you may do fine with "only" Moi.
If anything, i will say that you will not do anything wrong by having both, they are simply amazing programs at a very nice price.

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