create fonts or use windows fonts

 From:  nacho65 (JUANGALVAN)
Hello Michael:

Then an use of the software sees that it doesn't contain fonts tt.
I believe that if it is necessary to create texts to give extrude
mainly in jeweler's like in artcam or rhino.

In a future MOI will contain it?

Best regards

Juan Galvan
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 From:  Michael Gibson
376.2 In reply to 376.1 
Hi Juan, I do expect to have it in a future version, but probably not until after V1.

In the meantime, you mentioned that you have Rhino? I just wanted to let you know that you can copy and paste data between MoI and Rhino, so it is pretty easy to use Rhino to fill in for some things that are currently missing in MoI.

For example - create text in Rhino, select it and do Ctrl+C. Now in MoI do Ctrl+V.

- Michael
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 From:  nacho65 (JUANGALVAN)
376.3 In reply to 376.2 
Hi Michale:

Thansk for their attention.

I consider that the software is very good and it will surely be enriched
with new proposals of great reach and keeping in mind that to develop systems CAD
it requires big abilities that you have I don't have any doubt that it will be better than others
packages of more cost.

Does one finish reference about the time of expiration of the software it is rotted to continue using?
or you informed us the steps to continue.

I reiterate you it is but easy to learn MOI that Rhino

Best regards

Juan Galvan
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