Rhino & MoI Render Mesh Problems
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3722.3 In reply to 3722.1 
Hi Colin, also just in case I didn't answer the exact question:

> and how can you change the Render Mesh settings like he can in Rhino?"

The problem in MoI is actually a surface-splitting problem and not a render-meshing problem. The render mesh only looks weird because the surface crease splitter did not produce proper output from the creased degree 1 surface.

If you can get this surface split up before you bring it into MoI then it should show with a proper render mesh.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3722.4 In reply to 3722.3 
Hi Michael,

It may be that I not getting this, when I bring this into MoI I'm getting the same thing that Colin shows and what I did was separate the joined surface and selected one of the repeated pockets which has nine smaller surfaces and deleted the the rest with the offending surfaces, then re-arrayed and joined everything back again.
Is this the same thing ?


EDITED: 18 Aug 2010 by DANTAS

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 From:  jbshorty
In Rhino- when pulling points, the render mesh does not update on the fly. You can force an update using the command RefreshShade. Also you can split creases in Rhino using the command DivideAlongCreases. Then copy/paste to Moi will have no issues...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3722.6 In reply to 3722.4 
Hi Danny, yeah that's another way to fix it - because it's a repeating pattern you can just throw out the bad pieces and copy some of the good parts over.

But I just wanted to describe what was going wrong with it - those bad pieces are getting created because of the original surface being a large surface that has internal creases in it, and it seems to be running into a bug in the surface splitter.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3722.7 In reply to 3722.6 
OK, understood. Thanks for the clarification

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 From:  Colin
3722.8 In reply to 3722.3 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for those explanations, I'll let my friend know.

regards Colin
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