Old school Astro-WIP

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Another project that I'm on and off.

I have number of WIP's that I start but I never know when I'm going to finish, I have a go at them when I have some spare time and depending on what mood I'm in, so I don't know if you will ever see them finished. Maybe you (and I) might be surprised one day and see them finished in a years time or so, but don't hold your breath :)

<EDIT>Forgot to mention that I started with a single sphere.

The reference picture:


EDITED: 1 Aug 2010 by DANTAS


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 From:  Grendel
3703.2 In reply to 3703.1 
Looking good Danny, maybe the side hair point should be more conical? I did an Astro in polys after the new movie came out and the hair gave me fits.............
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 From:  BurrMan
3703.3 In reply to 3703.1 
I always like your WIPS Danny.
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 From:  PaQ
3703.4 In reply to 3703.1 
Wow, that's a challenge Danny, and it's coming already so well.
I actually love the ears !!!

Nurbs will bring back this robot/skiny and cold mood from the original version.

I'm not sure about the eyes for the moment, sure it match the original drawing, but having real sphere can bring so much live in, as you can build (and animate)
them like 'human' eyes or at least puppet eyes. (that's what they did in the 2009 version). And the trick is to keep also this manga eyes contour.

Here was my attempt : http://paqwak.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Chib.jpg

I get of course more freedom (poly modeling), it's not astroboy, so I don't know if you can adapt the idea in your actual project.

Whatever, your technique is impressive !
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 From:  Colin
3703.5 In reply to 3703.1 
Hi Danny,

That looks terrific, Well done!!
Look forward to seeing more of it.

regards Colin
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Thanks for the comments guys, I know this is better suited for polys but I was born and bred NURBS and can't shake the habit :) I'll give polys a go one of these days.

@ PaQ thanks for the tips and that manga girl you did is too cute!

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 From:  BurrMan
3703.7 In reply to 3703.6 
Hey Danny... Just a note from me.

""""""I'll give polys a go one of these days."""""""""""""

As you contemplate this, look at an app called "Hexagon" from Daz3d (same guys who own Carrara). It was the next gen "Amapi3d" app from the antoine Clappier bunch before they disbanded. Most likely, you can find this bundled somewhere for free, just as Carrara, or it is very inexpensive to buy.

The jist is the development of the app is fairly dead, though it is very good as it stands. Some stability smideons (If you beat her about the head and neck, she may crash, but if you kisss and buy flowers, you can live happy!! )

ANyway, I was working my brother into some organic stuff, and recently started this app on my computer again...I am using it in conjunction with 3d coat and am very pleased. I am spending a bit of time in the forum over there, and see some of the folks from here over there. getting some help is easy and the forum isnt too rough around the edges....

ANyway, FYI.

(BTW: I also understand that, that may not be the main issue anyway. (You're a NURBS Guy) I am in the middle of getting my head around creating a square because I want a round hole in something!!! LOL)

I am watching "Steve@Home" from this forum over there. He seems to know poly modeling fairly well.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3703.8 In reply to 3703.7 
Thanks for the recommendation Burr, will check it out.

The problem I have is lack of time, I started looking at Blender again since it had a UI overhaul, but again, I get started, play for a couple of days, then the next time I get on it would be weeks later and I've forgotten what I did last time then I have to start with lesson one again :(

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 From:  BurrMan
3703.9 In reply to 3703.8 
Yeah, same here. but hexagon, although very specific complcated things will require this type of "apply thyself", it can do amazing stuff for you right out of the box with basically no learning. It's just more of a freeform artwork thing. I use it to create a base, then bring to 3d coat for detail.

Anyway, I know you know your options and can decide when your time needs, just wanted you to take a peek at that one..
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3703.10 In reply to 3703.9 
Cheers Burr, thanks for thinking about me ;)

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 From:  NightCabbage

I think Blender is a bad choice if you're trying to learn poly modelling...

I've tried a lots of different programs now:

3ds Max
Cinema 4D
(and some others not worth mentioning)

And of all of those, Blender has, by far, the worst interface.

Even when I'm trying to do something really simple, I find it just frustrates me.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3703.12 In reply to 3703.11 
NC have you tried Blender 2.5 with the revamped UI ?

The problem I have is I don't want to invest a lot in software that I'm going to use on occasions or end up not using at all and I figure there must be a lot of people using Blender because some of the work that comes out of it is brilliant, so I'm still sniffing around for my options.

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 From:  NightCabbage
Yes, I've been using 2.5 for a little while, but I really don't like the interface. It's better than the old one, but still, in my opinion, the worst in the industry :P

I'm not sure why, either... it would be really easy to make it better. Not even more work - just different stuff than they're doing now.
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 From:  David (BLEND3D)
3703.14 In reply to 3703.13 
"Yes, I've been using 2.5 for a little while, but I really don't like the interface. It's better than the old one, ...."

Funny to hear this as once I got used to Blenders old interface I really don't like the new one. I find when I use Blender I usually end up in 2.49. I guess my age is showing!
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 From:  NightCabbage
Yes, I agree - it really does come down to what you've used previously.

I started with 3ds Max, and so Blender's interface (both of them) seems quite alien to me!
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