sweep reversed

 From:  blackhoney
I am following the pod tutorial and I am making a leg. When I draw a few curves (circles of different shapes) and then try to sweep them along the rail the order is reversed.

For instance, I draw a large circle and then to the right of this I draw a small circle. I have a freeform line drawn above these two circles (for the rail).
I select both circles, transform, sweep, select the rail, click done.

Now the 'leg' I have just created (pod tutorial) is larger on the right side - the order is reversed. It should be larger on the left side.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thanks
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3687.2 In reply to 3687.1 
Just click to the other extremity of the rail when you make the Sweep ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  blackhoney
3687.3 In reply to 3687.2 
So simple - thanks!
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