3DConnexion Device Axis bug?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3673.14 In reply to 3673.7 
Hi blackpixel - one thing you mentioned:

> It's like that in 3dsmax and it's very useful when working
> on details, so your object of interest is always in focus.

So probably in 3dxmax you are working with polygon modeling tools where you are dealing with some localized selection of vertices pretty frequently?

Keep in mind that MoI is not a poly modeler - it uses a much different system called NURBS and often times with NURBS you will be working more with full solids and not just with a sub-selection of some few localized mesh vertices as you would in a poly modeler.

When working with larger solids in MoI there is a much larger chance that the center of the selected solids will happen to be way off the screen somewhere when you zoom in a bit, and rotation is hard to control when the center of rotation is way off the screen instead of nearby you on the screen.

So some of the navigation methods that you are accustomed to may be somewhat tuned towards poly modeling and not really as applicable to solids modeling in MoI.

- Michael
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