Strange results after boolean difference

 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
I am modelling a phone. I have boolean subtracted a button (which is a solid) from the body (which is another solid). The result looks like a trim and delete yet the details say it is a solid. It doesn't look like it. What's going on?

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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)

Select the solid and change it to a different style.

It looks like edges, surfaces, solids and hiding are playing an optical trick on you.

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  BurrMan
3669.3 In reply to 3669.2 
Ah yes Michael T. Parent/Child styles kicking in there. The inside of that cutout is CYAN.
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
3669.4 In reply to 3669.1 
I've found that it only happens if I turn on "keep objects". Is this by design?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3669.5 In reply to 3669.1 
Hi Steve, it seems that those faces have been hidden at some point, maybe when hiding all things of Style = Cyan ?

I've attached here the result with those faces shown now.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3669.6 In reply to 3669.4 
Hi Steve,

> I've found that it only happens if I turn on
> "keep objects". Is this by design?

It's probably from what you are doing after you do the boolean - when you have "keep objects" enabled, what are you doing after the boolean is complete to hide those objects, are you going to the Styles section of the scene browser and hiding all things that belong to Style = Cyan ?

If so then that's the step that is hiding those faces, because they maintain the same style as the original cutting object.

There is an option that you can set in the moi.ini file if you want to make styles not transfer through booleans in this way. To edit the moi.ini file go to Options > General and push the "Edit .ini file" button near the bottom (MoI will close in order to edit the .ini file).

Then go to the [Styles] section, and find the DisableSubObjectStyles=n line, and it to =y instead like this:


With that setting switched, then when you do a boolean the cutting object's style will not be maintained into its surviving fragments in the main object.

But that also means that if you wanted the button imprints to be a different color than the main object you will have to go in there and assign them manually instead as a last step before export.

- Michael


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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
3669.7 In reply to 3669.4 
I see what you mean. The cutters are Cyan, and the surfaces they create are Cyan too, so when I hide the cutters, it hides the new surfaces. Drove me crackers. Thanks guys.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

This is a good example where that particular ini switch would be nice exposed in the UI, just a tick box would do, in the browser somewhere.
I often, when modeling for render output, want some styles to be inherited and some not, and closing MoI to change this in the ini every time can get annoying.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3669.9 In reply to 3669.8 
Hi Danny, well usually things like this kind of graduate to have checkboxes in the UI if they get mentioned or asked about frequently enough.

This one has just not come up very often, at least so far...

The next step up from an .ini file only setting is to have it available to scripts so that you can set it on a keyboard shortcut, that would be an easy initial next step for this once v3 is underway.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3669.10 In reply to 3669.9 
Available to scripts would be just fine Micheal.

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