array on path but...

 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
Hi Michael, I tried this command but I have not found.
Now if we use the array on a curve we obtain the result on image 01.
Is possibile an array with the centre of object on a path but with a distance between the objects not calculated on the path?
I need the result on image 02.
Does it already exist?


That's a brilliant day!

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3658.2 In reply to 3658.1 
Hi FiL,
> Does it already exist?

Unfortunately it doesn't exist, there is a previous detail discussion about this at the following link

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 From:  BurrMan
3658.3 In reply to 3658.1 
Can you post your sample file? I just used ArrayGem with 2 duplicate sized circles and a spacing of 0 and it appeared to do this, but couldnt be sure unless using your exact setup there.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3658.4 In reply to 3658.1 
Hi FiL, so the regular array curve command only works by transforming between base points with the base points distributed by the distance as traveled along the path.

As you show, that's a much different kind of spacing than setting the spacing between objects.

But like Burr mentions, in MoI v2 there is a kind of prototype different style array command called ArrayGem, which does use an inter-object spacing instead.

It's another one that does not have a button for it, and probably in the future it may actually go away and instead get incorporated as some kind of option in the regular array curve command, but I have not got that part figured out yet.

There is some information about it here:

The way it works is that you have one circle that defines the object boundary, and then you additionally have other objects selected at the same time that you want to replicate. So if you want to replicate a circle you actually would want to make 2 circles stacked on top of each other, one will be taken as the boundary and the other as the thing to replicate.

Also some other information and original discussion here:

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Ah yes! of course, the arraygem script, forgot about that one, thanks for picking me up on that Burr.

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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3658.6 In reply to 3658.3 
Hi Burrman, here is my example: a gem to be placed on a path respecting the minimum distance (the circle)
This is only a two-dimensional distribution.


That's a brilliant day!


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 From:  BurrMan
3658.7 In reply to 3658.6 
Hi FIl,
I think this file shows what you were asking. I created a second circle that is the exact diameter of the gem, to have it be end to end like in your first example. If you use the larger one, there will be space between the gems. With the larger circle in the original sample file, I also created a duplicate circle there. So if you want to select both of those circles and run the ArrayGem Command on them, you can see the 2d objects created with a "0 spacing" set.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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Message 3658.8 deleted 7 Jul 2010 by BURRMAN

 From:  BurrMan
3658.9 In reply to 3658.7 
Here's what it looks like when I used your "larger circle" as the size pick for the ArrayGem Command. (I also Arrayed the circle to show how it is sizing it along the path.)

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
3658.10 In reply to 3658.5 
""""""""""Ah yes! of course, the arraygem script, forgot about that one, thanks for picking me up on that Burr."""""""""""""""

Still folding your plans Danny! You focus on the hard stuff.....I'll sweep the corners!!! :o
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
Yes that is what I need.
And this is my WIP...


That's a brilliant day!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3658.12 In reply to 3658.11 
Just a note - you may possibly run into problems with ArrayGem if you have a large sized object and a path that has tight bends that make it squiggle around a lot in between where each item should be placed.

The method that is used to converge on a solution can possibly get sort of stuck in one of the squiggles in cases like that.

So for ArrayGem your path curve should try to kind of generally resemble the placement of the items and not have a bunch of extra little wiggles and bends in it that are much tighter than the bounding size.

- Michael
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3658.13 In reply to 3658.12 
Normally I use gems like this and paths are softer than this case.
Then the critical points (edges) I work by hand.
But thanks for the note.


That's a brilliant day!

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