Change the label

 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
Hi Michael,
I'm testing V2 trial.
Why the words with "*" inside the "ItalianStrings" folder lock the labels of the tools?
Can I delete the "*" without create an error?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3605.2 In reply to 3605.1 
Hi FiL - those are strings that have not yet been translated from English, they are marked with * so that Pietro who will be doing the Italian translation for v2 knows which strings have not yet been translated into Italian.

You can remove the * if you want, which will enable that line of text to be used, but that will not really do anything unless you also edit the English text to the right of the = sign and put Italian text in there instead.

- Michael
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3605.3 In reply to 3605.2 
Ciao Michael,
I've removed the "*" and changed the words in italian language.
It's all ok.

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