Export file 3DS
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 From:  Tony77
I'm Italian and I'll congratulate MOI x program is really great

I think I buy it
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 From:  Tony77
Sorry but I had not read the question below

Use only lightweight 3DS file output file for the rendering program .... as renderers use Artlantis Studio

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3577.5 In reply to 3577.4 
Hi tony, so according to the Artlantis page here:

it seems to support importing OBJ format, so that's what I would recommend using instead of 3DS.

You may want to try these settings when exporting from MoI:
Output = Quads & Triangles
Weld vertices along edges = off

That may give a better chance at getting the vertex normals transferred into Artlantis, it makes for a better quality shading if that information goes through.

- Michael
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 From:  Tony77
Yes Michael I tried obj is definitely better

just a bit heavier

I contacted here in Italy Mr. Meloni of Robotale.com to buy V2 MOI is right?

Thanks for the swift answer
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3577.7 In reply to 3577.6 
Hi Tony,

> I contacted here in Italy Mr. Meloni of Robotale.com
> to buy V2 MOI is right?

Yes, Mr. Meloni in Italy can help you to order MoI v2, I have just sent him the details about the v2 release.

- Michael
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