Arc / Circle tangent ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
356.4 In reply to 356.3 
> Yes , Why ? :)

I don't know... Most likely a bug!

But I don't see the same behavior over here, the checkbox is showing up for both of them on my machine.

Which is the one that doesn't have it for you?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
356.5 In reply to 356.4 
Curious seems that I dreamed !
Maybe the fact that one (arc) say pick piece to keep not the other :)

So other little question :!)
Why it's not possible to draw a Circle "tangent" (with function circle tangent) between 2 rectangles aligned (or not) or inside one rectangle?
Even "separating" these rectangles: a side separated it's not a curve?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
356.6 In reply to 356.5 
> Why it's not possible to draw a Circle "tangent" (with function circle tangent)
> between 2 rectangles aligned (or not) or inside one rectangle?

Hi Pilou, this seems to work over here:

Are you possibly clicking on the same line for both picks? The way circle tangent works is it needs to have 2 different tangents, it won't work when 2 picks are both on the same line segment - there are an infinite number of circles tangent with the given radius to the same line. However, you can use Circle/Diam to draw a tangent circle to a line in this case.

> a side separated it's not a curve?

Yes, a side of a rectangle that has been separated is a line curve object just as if you had drawn it with the line command.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
356.7 In reply to 356.6 
> it won't work when 2 picks are both on the same line segment

I was not ! :)

Ok ok :)
I was perplex :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
356.8 In reply to 356.7 
I see - the tangent tool is for circle tangent to 2 curves of a specified radius.

When you move your mouse around, you are specifying a different radius all the time.

But in these cases there is only 1 possible radius that will work, that's why it looks like it isn't working, because if you ask for a circle of radius 1 unit for example, it cannot fit one in there.

But even if you get the right radius, I guess it still might not work because there are an infinite number of tangent circles of that radius that can slide between those 2 curves, I think it might not find it in this situation also.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
356.9 In reply to 356.8 
< But even if you get the right radius
Yes don't work inside the rectangle :)

And it's that which is pertubating because that works between these curves !

(infinite solutions too) (must be disable snap tot the grid)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
356.10 In reply to 356.9 
Most of those don't have infinite solutions for one specific radius, except the top one if those are exactly concentric arcs...
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