align to surface

 From:  andras
Hello Michael!

I am just wondering that there is the "Align to surface" option at Curve array command. Why is this not available at the other Array methods such as Grid? :)

and how can I model this?

Yes I know it is easy with topmod but mathematically how could I define curves or point on a surface with almost equal distance along its surface? :S
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 From:  andras
3497.2 In reply to 3497.1 
Well I managed to do something :) First look is nice but the second is not so such. So I got some extra unexpected faces.

So my method was that I arrayed points along the seam-line of the surface and then I created a polyline point by point So 4 piece of polyline. and then tha network tool.

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 From:  andras
3497.3 In reply to 3497.2 
I duplicated the point but it is even more unacceptable :(
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3497.4 In reply to 3497.1 
Hi andras,

> Why is this not available at the other Array methods such as Grid? :)

Well, none of those other commands involve making the array follow an object, unlike array curve.

That new align to surface option for array curve is when the curve that you are arraying along is on a surface already and you want the objects to rotate to follow the surface normal.

In something like Array grid, there is no object picked at all to follow along, that command is oriented around duplicating objects into a block grid pattern.

> and how can I model this?

Well, it would be easiest to use a specialized tool that is focused on producing that kind of complex stuff.

> Yes I know it is easy with topmod but mathematically how
> could I define curves or point on a surface with almost equal
> distance along its surface? :S

Often times there is not an exact mathematical equation that you solve for such things, but instead things like that use an "iterative solving" mechanism where things are positioned in small increments and adjusted until you converge on an acceptable solution.

It's a pretty complex area to develop.

If you want to replicate a bunch an object along a surface, you could try using the new ArrayGem command in MoI which might be able to help. I'm not sure exactly what your goal is though, is it to produce just that thing you linked to that is already being handled by TopMod, or something similar?

For some description of ArrayGem in MoI, see here:

You may also want to look into some specialized plugins for Rhino for making these kinds of complex things, for example:

This can be a good area to use Rhino in addition to MoI, Rhino has had various other companies and programmers add plugins to it to make it easier to do particular specialized things similar to this.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3497.5 In reply to 3497.3 
Hi andras,

> I duplicated the point but it is even more unacceptable :(

I guess I don't quite understand what you are trying to do - why not just use TopMod3D since that program is so totally oriented around making it easy to produce that kind of stuff?

MoI is more oriented towards making things that you draw, it is probably not the right tool for something that should be generated by some kind of automatic process like it seems like you want for this case.

- Michael
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 From:  andras
3497.6 In reply to 3497.5 
Oh nooo... :)

Topmod is totally useless for my goal. I just took some experiments by Moi. My goal is to model an contemporary freeform frame structure as British Museum Roof Structure or anything else. Yes i know Rhino is more sophisticated for this but I already fed up with a lot of application to study moreover that idiot Rhino unfriendly UI. but I attempt looking for another modeling method to this.

So the only one problem was the gaps between the big panels:

My example was a litle bit difficult I dont want to do such kind of crazy building
as well as the last one when I didnt get edge for the surface but I dont want make you nervous :DDD
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3497.7 In reply to 3497.6 
Hi andras, I think really your best bet is Rhino - the Rhino people have a developer who I believe is completely focused on working on special tools to do that, see here:

Sure the Rhino UI will take some getting used to, but it shouldn't be too difficult for you to learn how it works. Plus it works together well with MoI - you can move objects back and forth between Rhino and MoI very quickly with copy and paste.

You may also want to check out ParaCloud:

or also:

But you should definitely look into using some more specialized tool for producing what you are showing there.

MoI is just not the best tool to use for what you are describing, you need something that has been much more specialized for that particular purpose.

It's like you're saying "I really like this hammer, it is my favorite tool - how can I use my hammer to now put in some screws?" ...

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3497.8 In reply to 3497.7 
>Yes i know Rhino is more sophisticated for this but I already fed up with a lot of application to study moreover............................ >>>>

Ouch!!! :o

Thick skin Michael.....Thick Skin.
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 From:  andras
3497.9 In reply to 3497.8 
Well. nice tools :D nice price :D
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 From:  andras
3497.10 In reply to 3497.9 
but I love Rhiknowbot ...
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You have also some tuts for make that with the free google Sketchup ;)
(maybe you must registered for see images)
Tutorial for curvy roof like the British museum
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3497.12 In reply to 3497.6 
I had a quick play with the roof of the British Museum in MOI.
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 From:  andras
Guys ! :) it very cute... but British Museum was only an example. The tutorial is very nice I love it however it's good until visualization of idea but unfortunately not for production. And that shape is very symmetrical and regular. So I don't know. There are a lot of such convenient software for this purpose just I havn't go a lot of money :D. So I think the best(cheapest) way to start learning scripts in moi and sketchup But so difficult! Anyway I have seen some cool sketchup plugin nowadays for this kind of purpose.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3497.14 In reply to 3497.13 
For price TopMod must be perfect for this sort of things and no need to script ! ;)
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