WIP: watch

 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
A bit of spare time, but could not think of what to build (that would not take too much time) so built a watch (bit of a pun there).
Still some detail to add. Made a render in Simlab, just with some default materials, still needs work :-)

Its made mainly with booleans (no image maps)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3486.2 In reply to 3486.1 
Using booleans makes for some nice crisp model details there!

- Michael
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 From:  omac12
3486.3 In reply to 3486.2 
Nice! Is that an original design? I'm rather taken with it.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3486.4 In reply to 3486.1 
Very cool Steve! Nice clean lines and neat modeling.
Pretty good for a first render, I think.

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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3486.5 In reply to 3486.3 
Hi omac12

>>Is that an original design?<<

I am sure I have seen this watch, or at least something very close, so no, it is not original design.

I have a couple of hours, so will see about adding more detail/ make a few changes.

- Steve
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
Well my couple of hours where spent mainly playing around with the lighting in MOI :-) (new toy).

I made a couple of changes to the model and took a screen grab out of MOI. I will find some time at the end of the week to finish off and make a render.

- Steve
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 From:  omac12
3486.7 In reply to 3486.6 
Nice! So in other words Moi lighting alone appears to be able to handle grayscale technical illustration?
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3486.8 In reply to 3486.7 
Hi omac12

There are a number of possibilities with just outputting a screen capture directly from MOI. I did use to use that function in V1 which was limited due to minimal options for lighting/color (but I did get good output for technical illustration). With V2, now adds different light setups and different applied color to objects. I still need to play more with the settings.

I did decide to make a couple of default renders in Simlab, just using 2 different hdr images for lighting.

- Steve
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 From:  BurrMan
3486.9 In reply to 3486.8 
Great stuff Steve. I really like your work...
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3486.10 In reply to 3486.9 
Thanks Burrman,

I will post the last render over at the Simlab forum to see what they think, I may get some tips on better rendering in Simlab.

- Steve
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 From:  Grendel
Looks great Steve, I have been wanting to do a watch for some time seeing yours is some motivation
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 From:  Colin
3486.12 In reply to 3486.8 
Hi Steve,

That looks terrific, Well done!!

regards Colin
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3486.13 In reply to 3486.12 
Thanks for the kind words, certainly as it is really just a basic model.

I have now got a few days off (a job I was called out for was their screw-up not mine and easily fixed, so I get 3 days paid play time with moi/simlab). Now, what to build next, something sci-fi I think :-)

- Steve
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 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
3486.14 In reply to 3486.13 
Hi Steve

Looks great just needs a nice glass on top with a good reflection. Impressed with Simlabs output so far. Have you tried the lights to light a scene instead of an HDRI? My trial ran out before could try it.

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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3486.15 In reply to 3486.14 
Hi Jamie,

I have added back the glass and made a couple of test renders with different hdr (attached)

As for the lighting, I have looked at mixing hdr with lights, but not yet at just using the lights, I will have a play.

- Steve
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 From:  omac12
3486.16 In reply to 3486.15 
I'm really loving the watch #3 picture. :)
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 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
3486.17 In reply to 3486.15 
Hi Steve

Looks great with the glass in. I like both so i put one on top of the other in photoshop to see what would happen hope you dont mind.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3486.18 In reply to 3486.17 
Very cool !
Normal hour must be 10 past 10 for show a watch ;)
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3486.19 In reply to 3486.17 
Hi Jamie,

>>I like both so i put one on top of the other in photoshop to see what would happen hope you dont mind.<<

I don`t mind at all. A very nice result.

- Steve
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