MOI's blend weird result

 From:  niko (NICKP100)
The blend that you see is done in Rhino. Delete it and attempt it in MOI and you get a weird result.
The cut-out was swept with two rails and then cut with the curves that you see in front of the surface.

I'm very well aware that there is a different way of creating the cutout (by projecting a blend of the two rail curves and then trimming) in a way that the blend looks cleaner and is possible in MOI, but my objective is to try to expose certain vulnerabilities in the blend command so that it can help Michael fix it in the next revision

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3475.2 In reply to 3475.1 
Hi Niko,

I would say, Rhino choked also. If you turn on the control points on the Rhino blend you can see the surface is folding back on it self in some areas, my recommendation would be to rework the driving geometry to be cleaner.
I can have a look at this also but by the time I can get to it I believe others will find an explanation and solution :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.3 In reply to 3475.1 
Hi niko, thanks for posting that - I think I may know what could be happening there, I think it is an issue of Blend using the edges directly and being sensitive to differences in control point spacing on the edge curves.

It's similar to an issue that used to be in MoI's 2-rail sweep command as well until a couple of betas ago. I think that probably the same fix for sweep applied here should solve it in Blend as well, I'll see.

- Michael
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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
3475.4 In reply to 3475.3 
Thanks Michael. Is this a fix for V2 or V3?

Danny like I said in the first post I have already completed a succesfull blend in this case by triming the cutout a different way, but I'm trying to help Michael bulletproof the blend command for these non ideal situations. After all if Rhino can do it, there's no reason why MOI shouldn't.

Thanks for the quick feedback guys.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.5 In reply to 3475.4 
Hi niko, I think it can be a fix for v2 if you can test it a bit, since I am going to put out another v2 beta release. Also it's using a mechanism that has already been tested with sweep so I think it should be ok.

I've attached the result generated in MoI with the fix applied.

It makes the paired up points between the 2 edge-rails to correspond much better, the problem before was that things were traveling at different rates of speed along each edge-rail, with the speed being determined by how control points happened to be spaced.

- Michael

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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
3475.6 In reply to 3475.5 
Hey Michael
Yup that looks pretty unchoked to me.
I'll be glad to help any way I can and I promise to try to choke it again.....hehehe.
Thnks for your efforts and promptness
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.7 In reply to 3475.6 
Hi niko, I've just posted a new v2 beta on the download page which has this blend fix in it, please give it a try and let me know if you see any problems.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3475.8 In reply to 3475.7 
10.1 MB installation file. 9.6 seconds to run the install on a P4.

Simply amazing!
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 From:  BurrMan
3475.9 In reply to 3475.8 
Worked beautifully on the choked file over here!!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.10 In reply to 3475.1 
Hi niko, also the bug you reported back here:

Where construction line snaps were not being obeyed in all cases when using the Move command should be fixed in this new v2 beta as well.

- Michael
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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
3475.11 In reply to 3475.10 
Two thumbs up Michael.
Both of the bugs I reported are fixed, and I haven't been able to brake MOI yet.
I've attached another difficult blend in which MOI proved to be a troop. Awesome work man!!!!! Keep it up..

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 From:  jbshorty
3475.12 In reply to 3475.2 
Users can add as many profiles as they wish, so Rhino has the tools to avoid self intersections. But it doesn't make any guesses for you... Anyway I rarely use Blendsrf if I want a precise blend, then I would use networksrf because results are much more predictable and allows fitting within tolerance... The same I think is true in MoI that Blend is good for quickly sketching but usually a poor choice for modeling to spec within acceptable deviation...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.13 In reply to 3475.12 
Hi Jonah,

Network requires a lot more setup work than Blend does, because you have to create all the curves you want to use as a separate step. If you have something where you want the created surface to have a kind of even proportion between the edges then Blend is the right tool to use to get the job done more quickly.

Why would you think that Blend does not fit within tolerance? In MoI the Blend surface is fit to a tolerance of 0.001 units so that it can be joined to the other surfaces you are blending between.

In Rhino it should also be getting fit to the model tolerance as well, if you have run into cases where using a Blend in Rhino did not produce a surface within tolerance, then that's just a fitting bug in Rhino that you should report to them so that it can get fixed.

There are lots of ways that a fitting algorithm can get fooled into thinking things are within tolerance when they actually aren't, I fixed some bugs in this area for MoI v2 a couple of betas ago.

There is no reason to think that you can't use Blend to produce results within an acceptable deviation, it should produce the same accuracy as any mechanism that involves an adaptive fitting process like Sweep for example.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
3475.14 In reply to 3475.13 
Hi Michael. Regarding fitting, I was only referring to Rhino's lack of user defined tolerance within the command. I've never seen it actually produce a result which didn't match at the edges. But it's unlike NetworkSrf which gives you tolerance options and can make a big difference in resulting surface match and density... About deviation, just speaking of matching shapes to required positions and angles according to design specs. If you need to precisely fit the interior portions of the surface to existing geometry, then Blend is not the best tool...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.15 In reply to 3475.14 
Hi jonah, well most of the time Network is composed of a lot of bendy curves and is not particularly a "match to dimensioned spec" type command either.

> But it's unlike NetworkSrf which gives you tolerance options
> and can make a big difference in resulting surface match
> and density...

Other commands in Rhino often do not have a separately adjustable rail fitting tolerance as well for example Sweep1 and Sweep2. That does not mean that you should use Network instead of Sweep when Sweep would be easier.

In Rhino it is generally intended that things should use the overall model tolerance instead of each command trying to have its own individual one.

In the case of NetworkSrf, the reason why Rhino has it separate there is not actually to increase accuracy but instead to decrease it. Network by its nature has a tendency to kind of explode with a lot of control points and decreasing accuracy helps to lighten the control point density.

In MoI v3 I'll probably be doing some refinements on MoI's curve fitting process to try and produce some lighter results automatically without needing to tweak tolerances.

It's pretty nice if things can just work well without forcing people to have to fiddle with various semi-arcane tolerance settings.

- Michael
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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
3475.16 In reply to 3475.15 
I have to agree with Michael on that one.
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