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 From:  Michael Gibson
3450.2 In reply to 3450.1 
Hi Burr, yeah the deforming stuff in particular looks pretty promising, I'm looking forward to testing it to see how it behaves.

The unwrapping stuff seems pretty basic at the moment, it appears to be only focused on analytic shapes like a cylinder currently and not just any developable surface. Maybe it will be possible to extend it to work with more than just analytic shapes but I'm not sure about that yet.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3450.3 In reply to 3450.2 
Just curious. I know the geometry library was updated in MOI at the beginning of the V2 beta, 2 years ago. Has the geometry library been updated/bug fixes by integrityware since that time, if yes, then have those updates/bugfixes been added to MOI V2 beta?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3450.4 In reply to 3450.3 
Hi Steve, there have been some geometry library patches that I've applied to various MoI beta releases throughout the v2 cycle for fixing specific bugs. Some I've fixed myself and I've also received some from IntegrityWare as well.

But there is a new R5 release of the geometry library, which contains a mixture of stuff, including new functionality as well as some other separate bug fixes.

That release will not be directly integrated into MoI v2 because it only came out this last month, and MoI v2 is right near the end of its beta release cycle. There is too much of a risk of regressions to just take an entire major new library release without any time for it to be beta tested.

But some portions of that new release have been integrated during MoI v2 though - the patches that I received from IntegrityWare for some specific bugs are part of the new geometry library release as well.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3450.5 In reply to 3450.2 
Michael, I had read you say you were looking forward to the deforming stuff. It will be a powerful toolset for MoI. Hope it fits in well. The unwrapping stuff did read as "not very feature rich" on their website. It does seem to be an area that isnt just plug and play. Even the big boy's dont really do much of it. Looking at lamina, One can see the arbitrary dicing up of curved surfaces.

I think you've already covered the basics of unwrapping with the ability to read curves by length though. Not really sure if unwrapping a "cone" will add anything at this point. :o
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