Hi David, really looking forward to your Aurora WIP. I will be very interested to see your hull method. Without JP's help (and Burr, Danny etc) I'd still have a segmented hull. Being able to form the hull sides in one piece makes adding plate lines and the like much easier.
>About the rendered, I rejected kerkythea because I didn´t get the results I wanted, but I must to recognized that the problem was mine, not the rendered (as obviously).
A time ago, I made this render but I am not happy with the result. Then, I´ve been trying with Luxrender....but I´d love to come back to kerkythea only for get a nice result :-)
BTW...last week I read that the team of kerkythea have developed Thea render. It´s not free but people says that it is a great rendered. (and now, I know why there weren´t newest versions of kerkythea)
I really like the model car. I'm not a render expert (perhaps others might like to offer some advice/suggestions) but to me the lighting on the desk is a bit bright. As this appears to be an indoor shot, perhaps your renderer has some built in light settings which you could tweak to create more natural indoor lighting. Also the render method you choose has a big impact on render output I find. In KT I often use "Progressive Path Tracing" which offers a good compromise between speed & quality.
The KT forum is a pretty quiet place these days. They have promised that some of the advances in Thea will trickle down to KT though. Time will tell.
Send me a PM if you would like my KT test scene. Try it the way I have it set up then just play with the settings to get it the way you want it.
http://www.homepages.ihug.com.au/~mabrown/index.html |